Accenture Communication Round: A Guide to Success

by Jasleen Chhabra | Updated on 19 July 2024

Accenture Communication Round: A Guide to Success

Communication skills are crucial in every aspect of professional life, and Accenture recognizes this through their structured communication round in their interview process. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect and how to excel in each section:

Sections Breakdown:

  1. Reading (8 questions):

    • You'll be presented with 8 sentences sequentially on screen.
    • Read each sentence aloud as prompted by the system.
  2. Repeat (16 questions):

    • Listen carefully to each sentence spoken by the system.
    • Repeat the sentence accurately.
  3. Q&A (24 questions):

    • Answer simple questions about various topics.
    • Responses should be clear and concise.
  4. Sentence Builds (10 questions):

    • Listen to word groups and rearrange them to form coherent sentences.
    • This tests your ability to organize thoughts logically.
  5. Story Retellings (3 questions):

    • Listen to a brief story once.
    • Retell the story comprehensively within 30 seconds.
    • Include key details such as the situation, characters, actions, and resolution.
  6. Open Questions (2 questions):

    • Listen to personal questions about family life or choices.
    • You have 40 seconds to formulate and articulate your response.

Tips and Tricks for Success:

  • Practice Pronunciation: Accenture values clarity in speech. Practice enunciating words clearly and correctly.

  • Active Listening: Focus on listening attentively during the repeat and story retellings sections. This will help you capture details accurately.

  • Speed and Accuracy: In timed sections like story retellings, aim for a balance between speed and accuracy. Summarize the story effectively within the given time.

  • Structure Your Answers: For Q&A and open questions, structure your answers logically. Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method if applicable to provide a well-rounded response.

  • Manage Time: Each section has a designated time limit. Practice under timed conditions to improve efficiency.

Additional Considerations:

  • Feedback: If possible, seek feedback on your communication skills from peers or mentors. This can help identify areas for improvement.

  • Stay Calm and Confident: Nervousness can affect communication. Take deep breaths, maintain eye contact (if in-person), and speak with confidence.


The communication round at Accenture is designed to assess your verbal communication skills in various scenarios. By preparing effectively, practicing consistently, and approaching each section with focus and clarity, you can maximize your performance and leave a positive impression. Good luck!


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