Is being rich enough to be successful?

07 May 2024


The Money factor

Money is vital in everyday life. It is required to organize the daily activities and lead a comfortable life. Money is essential to pay for house, food, insurance, clothes, education expenses etc. It is a huge driving factor for a lot of things.

Years of Hard work

No doubt there are rich businessmen and other people who struggled and achieved their dreams and also made money with their hard work and are very successful. They have made their dreams come true and earned love and respect from everyone by not making money through others' influence.

Success and Money

Being rich and successful are quite different from each other. We can say that they are two different sides of coin. Rich means you are wise in terms of monetary things And On the other side of the hand Successful means how much success and fame you will earn in your business or life.


Money brings happiness

As much as you may avoid to admit it, your 9-to-5 job could be giving you more happiness than you realize. Research indicates that people with greater salaries often seem happier than their peers who earn less than them. When you buy something, you have been wanting since too long, you may believe that money can buy happiness.

Education and Money

It is a fact that to be a successful person today, you need to get educated. Again it comes from money. The well-known institutes charge very high fees and thus success and money cannot be separated from each other. If you don't have enough money, it is impossible to get good education.

Money brings importance

If one is rich enough, it is observed that people start giving immense respect. The society looks at them in a different and a very respectful manner. Even, at times family members start differentiating between their own kids on basis of their earnings. More importance is given to the child who is earning more.


In the present world, even beauty can be bought with money. There are many popular film-stars who opted for surgeries and now are successful in their career. There are so many treatments that can be done to improve the facial structure, just by paying more money.



Now there are a few people who claim to be successful and achieve things and money just by the influence of others or politicians and we cannot really term them as successful. Yet, they themselves say that they have succeeded as they have doubled their money or property. There are many gangsters who have huge amount of money. But in no case they can be called as successful in our society. Following ethics and giving importance to the values is more important than earning money.

Depression and Suicides

We have seen so many multi-billionaire actors, politicians who have committed suicide, even though they had a lot of money. If being rich is being successful, then what made them to take such disastrous steps? It is important to not just have money, but also a healthy environment and special bonds with close ones to live a better life.

Efforts & Success

Another reason success stimulates feelings of happiness is because of the challenges involved. People get a charge out of pushing their mental and physical capacities to the limit, and when they pursue something that fully captures their interest and attention, time passes by imperceptibly. Not only is the hard-earned outcome rewarding, but so is the sweat put into making it happen. Success is the fruit of efforts, not just the amount of money earned from it.

Loss of Moral Values

A lot of people assume and believe that, becoming rich is life’s ultimate goal. But it’s not the truth. In this modern era, many of the things have changed and moral values have lost their way out. People tend to become jealous and they eventually develop an interest towards the money so that they can live a luxurious life compared to others. If you don't have moral values, you tend to make unhealthy decisions in life, which can in turn make you unsuccessful.


Impossible to live without money

It is a fact that in the 21st century, it is not possible to lead a good life without handful of money to satisfy our daily needs. Money is an inevitable part of life, and giving all the basic facilities to your family by earning money can be success for anyone. Such thoughts make us think that, yes money is a part of the success, but it can't totally be the only thing that makes you successful. There are other factors to it.

No definition for being rich

There is no technical definition available to say that a person is rich. Just as success cannot be defined in a quantitative manner, so can't be richness.

The meaning of success

For every individual meaning of success is different. Someone wants to rich or someone wants to be satisfied. There are many great leaders who are very successful but not rich. Many enthusiastic men have created a history by living in a simple way of life. Success means a feeling of positive energy, a feeling of a deep sensation which fills the body with a bloom and the body starts to flow with full of confidence.

Examples of success

A student getting a school first is a success for him. An educated person getting a job is a success for him. For an employee getting a promotion is a success. A small employee feels he is successful if he can make his own house without taking a loan or if he can repay the loan before he retires.

Here, it is important to know that being rich is definitely being a successful person. Most of the times, success is defined in terms of money. However, again success and rich, these are two relative terms and holds different definitions for different people. We cannot say that when an individual is rich then he or she is successful. Rather if given a personal thought, I would say that hard work, happiness and success are more relative terms to each other as this is the best possible combination to earn respect as well as money. The moment when you are attending a seminar and among many peoples and you have guts to put your views! Shortly you heard a clapping sound for you. That's definitely a success!



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