TCS Prime Experience
Name: Rohitkumar Choudhary
Interviewed for: TCS Prime
Status: Selected.
There are 2 steps to TCS recruitment.
- Interviews.
TCS holds the National Qualifier Test (NQT) to select new candidates for the TCS Ninja, TCS Digital & TCS Prime (this year) roles.
I took the TCS NQT exam on 15th January 2024. It was an on-campus opportunity.
IT was having 3 sections:
- Foundation Section
- Foundation Numerical Ability (20 Q, 25 Mins)
- Foundation Verbal Ability (25Q, 25 Mins)
- Foundation Logical Reasoning (20Q, 25 Mins)
- Advance Section
- Advance Aptitude questions (14Q, 32 Mins)
- Advance Coding
- 2 Coding Questions: 1 easy and 1 easy – medium (90 Mins)
In numerical ability in was able to solve 9 – 10 questions. The verbal section was a little easy and logical section was of moderate level.
In the advanced section, questions were of level 2 and level 3. Moderate to hard level. I was able to solve 5 – 6 questions in this section.
The coding section was a little easy for me. There were only 2 questions asked and a total of 90 mins of time was given.
- Convert the given matrix into lower triangular matrix. (Easy Level)
- Given a code word of length s convert into matrix and print the transpose of the matrix.
Conditions: rows of matrix <= sqrt(S) <= cols of matrix
Both the questions were easy for me, and I could solve both of them in 30 minutes.
On 5th February 2024, I got an email from our college TPO, that I got shortlisted for TCS Prime interviews. Along with me 19 more candidates were shortlisted for the Prime Interviews. The interviews were scheduled for 8th February 2024.
I started my preparation, reviewed, and retouched my resume, brushed-up all the technical subjects and gave multiple mock interviews.
These mock interviews helped me a lot in fine tuning my preparations.
On 8th February, we were asked to report in our college at 8:40 AM, after 20 minutes, they took our attendance (TCS is very strict about punctuality) and circulated a declaration form that we have to sign and attach with our resume.
The interviews begin at 9:30 AM. There were 2 rounds, Technical + Managerial and HR Round.
The Technical round lasted for around 35 minutes and HR round for 10 minutes.
Technical + Managerial rounds questions:
- Hardest Coding problem I have solved.
- Discussion on Generative AI
- Puzzle
- What all things have you done apart from our technical skills
- What if we give you a good salary, say 10 LPA but a ticketing project than what you will do.
- What if we post you to some location which is not of your choice, how can you adapt yourself over there.
- Tell me about our family background.
- Why do you want to join TCS?
HR round questions:
- What is the meaning of your name?
- What do you mean by declaration?
- Whatever information you have filled in your resume, are those correct?
- Do you have any questions for me?
I was very easily able to give answers to all the above-mentioned questions.
On 10th February, I got a mail from TCS that I have cleared their interview process and asking for the required documents.