Accenture English Ability Questions
Q1) Nordisk has recently ...... a product called Glucometer.
A. started
B. commissioned
C. launched
D. begun
Answer : Option C
Explanation: since the options are related to the product. The only option that fits here is launched. Started, commissioned and begun will not work out in the blank.
Q2) The question has four items. Mark the one that does not belong to this group.
(a) Invoice (b) Sales Tax (c) Octroi (d) Quotation
A. a
B. b
C. c
D. d
Answer : Option D
Explanation: The first three options are the forms of taxes. Where quotation is not a form of tax.
Q3) Pick the word from the alternatives given that is most inappropriate in the given context.
Disuse: Some words fall into disuse as technology makes objects obsolete.
A. Prevalent
B. Discarded
C. Obliterated
D. Unfashionable
Answer : Option A
Explanation. Here disuse and obsolete takes the same meaning. Which means no longer in usage. Since we need an alternative, which is an antonym. The answer is Prevalent. Which means commonly used. The other three words are the synonyms of the given word Disuse.
Q4) Given below are sets of four sentences that form part of a paragraph. Arrange the four sentences so that the given sentences constitute a coherent paragraph.
(A) Thus begins the search for relief: painkillers, ice, yoga, herbs, even surgery.
(B) Most computer users develop disorders because they ignore warnings like tingling fingers, a numb hand or a sore shoulder.
(C) They keep pointing and dragging until tendons chafe and scar tissue forms, along with bad habits that are almost impossible to change.
(D) But cures are elusive because repetitive injuries present a bag of ills that often defy easy diagnosis.
Answer : Option C
Explanation: In sentences, the word they refer to most computer users. So, the link is in between B & C. So, option A & B are eliminated. Now in between C & D, since the paragraph cannot start with THUS, the option D is eliminated. And THUS is like a conclusion. So, sentence D should be at the end. And that says only option i.e. option C.
Q5) Fill in the blank with the suitable word.
Sometimes the greatest inventions ......... an idea of startling simplicity
A. stumbles upon
B. hinge upon
C. starves without
D. lacks
Answer : Option B
Explanation: The speaker is talking about how sometimes the greatest inventions are formed on or depend on simple ideas or basic thoughts. Option (b) is the correct option because it means ‘to depend on’, which fits in perfectly with the statement as then it would mean that some of the greatest inventions depend on simplistic ideas.
The correct word is filled in the above given sentence:-
Sometimes the greatest inventions hinge upon an idea of startling simplicity.
Therefore, option B is correct word.
Q6) Mark the option which is closest to the meaning of the word.
Answer : Option D
Explanation: The closest meaning of the word BAIL is money.
Q7) Choose the option that is opposite in meaning to the given word.
Answer : Option D
Explanation: The word conducive means beneficial or favorable or helpful. Since we need an opposite meaning. The only option that fits from the options is harmful.
Q8) Find out which underlined part of the sentence below has an error and mark the option accordingly.
I regret that I wasn't aware that you have lost your job when you visited me last week.
A.I wasn’t aware
B.Have lost your
C.When you visited me
D.None of the options
Answer : Option B
Explanation: since the whole sentence is in past tense. The word HAVE cannot be used.
So the right sentence is, I regret that I was not aware that you had lost your job when you visited me last week.
Q9) Choose the answer that shows the best punctuation for the underlined part of the sentence. She was the one you were talking of, wasn't she?
A.of, wasn’t she?
B.of wasn’t she?
C.of wasn’t she.
D.of, wasn’t she.
Answer : Option A
Explanation: Since it’s a question tag question, the answer should end with “?”. So options C & D are eliminated. In between A & B, option A fits the best.
Q10) Rearrange the given sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
1.But the fact is that most of us lie about 18 to 50 times a day, often without thinking.
2.And so, honesty can make all the difference in a relationship.
3.We all like to think of ourselves as honest people.
4.So we land in trouble constantly, even though we never meant to hurt someone’s feelings.
A. 3412
B. 3142
C. 3421
D. 3124
Answer : Option B
Explanation: In sentence 4, The phrase will land in trouble constantly is like an effect. And the cause for it is lying about 18 to 15 times a day, often without thinking. So, the correction is 1 & 4, Which is only an option B.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.
Sticky, gooey, oftentimes orange, and homemade within the ears - earwax is considered a gross nuisance that people tend to frequently remove and clean from the body. Whether it’s by cotton swab, an ill-advised and method, or by an otolaryngologist, people go to great lengths for unobstructed ear canals—but is removing earwax a good idea? Why does our body produce earwax in the first place if we just remove it in the end?
Earwax, also known by the formal name cerumen, is made from a mixture of long-chain fatty acids, alcohols, cholesterol, and the chemical compound squalene. It’s secreted by glands in the outer ear canal in order to block dust, bacteria, insects, and other outside agents from infiltrating the ear canal and damaging the skin in the outer ear and the sensitive inner ear. While it’s incredibly beneficial to the health of the ear, overproduction can cause earwax impaction, blocking sound waves from reaching the eardrum. Use of cotton swabs to clean excessive earwax can lead to further problems, pushing the wax farther into the inner ear canal rather than drawing it out. This has the potential to cause permanent damage to the eardrum and hearing abilities.
Q11) Which of the following best fits the blank in the passage?
Answer : Option C
Explanation: To fill the blank, we can use signpost technique. The signpost we have is, ILL-ADVISED & the word AND. The word ill-advised relates to a something that can cause damage. And options complex, toxic and safe are not related to this blank, however these options do not mean something that can cause damage or ill. So, the only word that fits in the blank is dangerous.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.
Sticky, gooey, oftentimes orange, and homemade within the ears - earwax is considered a gross nuisance that people tend to frequently remove and clean from the body. Whether it’s by cotton swab, an ill-advised and method, or by an otolaryngologist, people go to great lengths for unobstructed ear canals—but is removing earwax a good idea? Why does our body produce earwax in the first place if we just remove it in the end?
Earwax, also known by the formal name cerumen, is made from a mixture of long-chain fatty acids, alcohols, cholesterol, and the chemical compound squalene. It’s secreted by glands in the outer ear canal in order to block dust, bacteria, insects, and other outside agents from infiltrating the ear canal and damaging the skin in the outer ear and the sensitive inner ear. While it’s incredibly beneficial to the health of the ear, overproduction can cause earwax impaction, blocking sound waves from reaching the eardrum. Use of cotton swabs to clean excessive earwax can lead to further problems, pushing the wax farther into the inner ear canal rather than drawing it out. This has the potential to cause permanent damage to the eardrum and hearing abilities.
Q12) State whether the following statement is true or false.
The author prefers that earwax be cleaned with cotton swabs instead of it remaining there and blocking sound.
C.Cannot be determined
Answer : Option B
Explanation: In the last four lines the author clearly mentioned, "Even the use of cotton swab to clean earwax can lead to further problems”. So, definitely the author is not preferring the earwax to be cleaned with cotton swab also. So, the statement is false.
Q13) Find out which underlined part of the sentence below has an error and mark the option accordingly.
I am guilty of not knowing you have come to me to seek help for the next issue of your magazine.
A.Your magazine
B.For the next issue
C.Not knowing
D.Have come to me
Answer : Option C
Explanation: The sentence should be- I’m guilty of not knowing that you have come to meet me to seek help for the next issue of your magazine.
Q14) Fill in the blank with the most suitable option.
The volunteers gave food packets to the earthquake victims.
C.None of the mentioned options
Answer : Option C
Explanation: Gave over means stopped or ceased.
Gave in means surrendered.
Give out means. Published or announced.
So, none of the given options will fit in the blank. So options is answer.
Q15) Mark the option which is closest to the opposite in meaning of the word given below.
Answer : Option C
Explanation: The meaning of the word cordoned means seal or shut or isolate. Since we need our opposite meaning. The only option that fits the answer is free.
Q16) Mark the option which is closest to the opposite in meaning of the word given below.
Answer : Option B
Explanation: Falsify means to prove false or disprove, since opposite meaning is required, the correct option is prove.
Q17) Fill in the blank with the most suitable option.
Tom only fruits on Thursdays.
Answer : Option C
Explanation: Since the subject is singular, the verb must be singular. The answer is option C.
Q18) Given below are sentences which when arranged logically from a coherent passage. Choose the option which gives the correct sequence.
1.Celebrations are observed the world over, but particularly in India, by throwing colour at one another.
2.Holi celebrates the arrival of spring and summer, as the dull winter breaks into a glow of colour under clear skies.
3.For Indians, the festival is a crucial part of the year, and collecting flowers and making colours begins late in winter.
4.Perhaps because the crops sown in autumn ripen under the newly golden sun, and so anticipation of glad times becomes only natural
A. 3 2 4 1
B. 2 4 1 3
C. 2 3 4 1
D. 2 1 4 3
Answer : Option B
Explanation: Sentence #1 talks about how the festival is observed the world over and then begins talking about India.
Sentence #3 is a continuation, since it talks more about how Indians celebrate. Thus, sentence #1 starts from a global context and then moves to India, while sentence #3 talks in detail about Holi in India. The only answer option with the 1-3 link is option B.
Q19) Choose the best replacement for the underlined part of the sentence.
The constitution guarantees citizens the right for freedom of expression subject to some conditions for national well-being.
A.the right of freedom of expression
B.the right to freedom of expression
C.the right for freedom for expression
D.the right for freedom of expression
Answer : Option B
Explanation: The constitutional rights are – Rights to do but not Rights for.
So B is the correct option.
Q20) Choose the best replacement for the underlined part of the sentence.
He berates me and insists that I should pay attention to him.
A.insists that I have paid attention to him
B.insists that I should pay him my attention
C.insists that I should pay him attention
D.insists that I pay attention to him
Answer : Option D
Explanation: This question can be solved by understanding the use of Subjunctives. Subjunctive clauses refer to clauses we use when we want to say that somebody:
Wants something to happen
Anticipates something to happen
Imagines something happening
These are used as subordinate clauses with the main clause having verbs such as:
?advise, ask, command, demand, desire, insist, order, prefer, propose, recommend, request, suggest
?command, demand, order, proposal, recommendation, request, suggestion
?advisable, best, crucial, desirable, essential, imperative, important, necessary, unthinkable, urgent, vital
?adamant, anxious, determined, eager, keen
Here are examples in action to help you understand how to apply this
E.g. 1: He suggests that you be present at the meeting.
Main Clause: He suggests Subjunctive Clause: You be present at the meeting
Both of these are separated by ‘that’. Also, the subjunctive clause uses the ‘be’ verb to enable the verb to be in Simple Present Tense only
E.g. 2: The board recommended that he leave the team.
Main Clause: The board recommended Subjunctive Clause: He leave the team Both of these are separated by ‘that’. Here, the verb (leave) is in its Simple Present Tense. It also doesn’t use any auxiliary verb. This is the format of subjunctives. They can be identified by the usage of words in the main clause like advice, ask, insist etc. (as given above). Thus, in the given question, the right answer is option D. It has the verb in Simple Present Tense and deploys no use of any auxiliary verb.