DXC Technology Logical Ability Questions

30 April 2024


Q1) If north is called north-east, north-east is called east, east is called south-east and so on. What will south-east be called?

A. East 

B. South 

C. North 

D. West
Answer : Option B

Explanation: Each way is marked the same as the 45 degrees clockwise direction based on the specified directions, causing all of the directions to shift to 45 degrees clockwise.

As a result, if north is referred to as north-east, north-east is referred to as east; east is referred to as south-east, therefore south-east will be referred to as south.


Q2) The set S of numbers has the following properties:

• If p is in S then 1/p is in S

• If both p and q are in S, then so is (p + q)

Question: Is 5 in S?


1. 1/5 is in S.                                

2. 1/2 is in S.

A. Statement 2 alone concludes.

B. Both statements conclude.

C. Both statements do not conclude.

D. Statement 1 alone concludes.
Answer : Option D

Explanation: If p is in S then 1/p is in S , through statement 1 1/5 is there then 5 will be there , 1 will be sufficient

As per statement 2, 1/2 is there then we can’t take a decision on 5


Q3) Problem question:

Sushil, a salesperson, was asked by his Sales Manager to meet one of their high profile clients. Due to his ill health, the sales manager was unable to take updates from Sushil about the meeting. Sushil’s phone was also switched off. On which day did Sushil meet the client?


i. Ravi, one of the sales Manager’s colleague, tells him Sushil did not visit the client either on Thursday or on Tuesday.

ii. Vikash, one of the sales manager’s colleague, tells him that Sushil visited the client 2 days before Ravi contacted the client which was the day after Monday.

A. Either of the statement is sufficient in answering the question.

B. Statement I alone is sufficient in answering the question.

C. Statement II alone is sufficient in answering the question. 

D. Both the statements put together are sufficient in answering the question.

E. Both the statements even put together are not sufficient in answering the question.
Answer : Option C

Explanation: Statement i. Ravi, one of the sales Manager’s colleagues, tells him Sushil did not visit the client either on Thursday or on Tuesday. We can say sunil will visit on Monday, Wednesday , Friday and Saturday so statement 1 is not sufficient

Vikash, one of the sales manager’s colleague, tells him that Sushil visited the client 2 days before Ravi contacted the client which was the day after Monday. By using only statement 2 , 2 days before Monday will be Saturday hence II alone is sufficient .


Q4) Find the next number in the series:

3, 11, 25, 45,….

A. 75

B. 71

C. 65

D. 61
Answer : Option B

Explanation: 11-3 = 8

25 – 11 = 14

45 – 25 = 20

8,14 and 20 the difference is 6 , hence next difference is 26

x-45 = 26

x = 71


Q5) Find the suitable option for the given relation:

Building : Bricks :: Flower :

A. Petals

B. Seed

C. Fruit 

D. Honey 
Answer : Option A

Explanation: A building is a complete structure built using bricks.

Similarly, a flower is the complete structure that is composed of petals.


Q6) A man has strayed from his path while on his way to the park. He moves 100km towards south, then another 40km towards west. He then travels 70km towards north and reaches the park. What is the distance of the shortest possible route?





Answer - Option A


Q7) Given  signs signify something and on that basis, assume the given statements to be true and find which of the two conclusions I and II is/are definitely true.

"%" denotes greater than

“>”denotes "equal to“

 “=" denotes "not less than“

 "@" denotes "not equal to“

“#’’ denote “ less than”

“*” denote  “not greater than”


P>S, S@T, P#R




A. Only conclusions I is true

B. Conclusions II is true

C. Neither Conclusions  I and II true

D. Both Conclusions  I and II true

Answer - Option B

Explanation: P>S  - P is equal to S

S@T – S is not equal to T

 P#R – P is less than R

Conclusion 1 – S% R – S is greater than R

P=S , P<R , hence S< R , so conclusion I wrong

p@T , p is not equal to T ,

p = s, s is not equal to T , hence statement II is correct


Q8) Anand introduces Geeta as the wife the grandson of his mother. How is Anand related to Geeta?

A. Father-in law

B. Brother-in-law

C. Uncle

D. Grandfather

Answer - Option A

Explanation: Anand introduces Geeta as the wife the grandson of his mother.

the grandson of his mother means son of Anand, Geeta is wife of Anand son, hence Anand is father-in-law for Geeta


Q9) Two friends A and B start walking from a common point. A goes 20 kms towards north-east whereas B goes 16 kms towards east and then 12 kms towards north. How far are A and B from each other?

A.14 kms

B.They are at the same place at the finishing point

C. 15 kms

D.Data is insufficient

Answer - Option B


Q10) 3,11,25,45,……





Answer - Option B

Explanation: 11-3 = 8

25 – 11 = 14

45 – 25 = 20

8,14 and 20 the difference is 6 , hence next difference is 26

x-45 = 26

x = 71


Q11) Decode the word(s)/ pattern given in the question.

"John is in Football team" is written as "sit pit jit hit lit",

"Basketball and Football team have eleven players" is written as"mit kit pit nit bit git hit",

"Steve is in Basketball team" is written as "bit rit fit hit sit".

How is "Steve is in Football team“ written as?

A. Pit Sit fit hit rit

B. Pit git fit hit jit

C. Pit Sit fit hit jit

D. Pit Sit fit mit jit

Answer - Option C

Explanation: "John is in Football team" is written as "sit pit jit hit lit" ----- (i)

"Basketball and Football team have eleven players" is written as"mit kit pit nit bit git hit" ---- (II)

"Steve is in Basketball team" is written as "bit jit fit hit sit" ------ (III)

Considering I & ii football team is written as pit & hit

Considering I & iii is in is written as sit & jit

Steve from iii will be written as fit


Q12) Choose the option that arranges the given set of words in the 'most' meaningful order. The words when put in order should make logical sense according to size, quality, quantity, occurrence of events, value, appearance, nature, process, etc.



3. Grass



Answer - Option B

Explanation: grass makes tree, some trees makes garden, lots of garden make a forest, forest make Earth


Q13) 2,3,7,8,13,14,…….





Answer - Option B

Explanation: 2+1 = 3

3+4 = 7

7+1= 8

8+5 = 13

13+1 = 14

14+6 = 20


Q14) 1,4,18,48,……

A. 99

B. 98

C. 101

D. 100

Answer - Option D

Explanation: 1×1×1=1,






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