Hexaware Logical Ability Previous Year Questions

28 January 2023

Hexaware Reasoning Ability Questions

Q1) The question given below is followed by two statements numbered I and II. Determine if the statements are, individually or together sufficient to answer the question.

Question: What is the first term in a sequence of numbers?


I. The third term is 12.

II. The second term is twice the first and the third term is three times the second.

A. Statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question asked and additional data to the problem is needed.

B. Only one of the statements, alone, is sufficient to answer the question but other statement is not.

C. Each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question.

D. Both statements I and II together are sufficient to answer the question asked but neither statement alone is sufficient.
Answer : Option D

Explanation: Let, three terms be x, y and z.

S1 alone – 3rd term, z = 12.

No information regarding the first two terms. So, statement 1 alone can’t answer.

S2 alone: y = 2x and z = 3y.

From S2, we get x : y :z = 1 : 2 : 3.

x = 1p

y = 2p

z = 3p.

But value of first term is still unknown. Using S2 alone can’t answer the question.

Using S1 and S2 together, z = 12, z = 3p. So, 3p = 12. p = 4.

So, first term = p = 4.

So, both 1 and 2 together can answer the question. Hence, answer is option D.


Q2) If in a certain code language, “F” is coded as 6, “EJZ” is coded as 51026 and “MAT” is coded as 13120, then how would “CAR” be coded in that code language?

A. 3118

B. 3281

C. 3181

D. 3218
Answer : Option A

Explanation: Given, F = 6, E J Z = 5 10 26, M A T = 13 1 20.

These are the place values of alphabets given in the words.

So, CAR = 3118. So, answer is option A.


Q3)Find the missing term in the following series.

4400, 4437, 4472, ?, 4536, 4565 

A. 4522

B. 4026

C. 4526

D. 4505
Answer : Option D

Explanation: 4400 + 37 = 4437

4437 + 35 = 4472

4472 + 33 = 4505

4505 + 31 = 4536

4536 + 29 = 4565.

So, the logic is, +37, +35, +33, +31 and +29.

So, the required missing number is 4472 + 32 = 4505. Correct answer is option D.


Q4) The question given below is followed by two statements numbered I and II. Determine the statements are individually or together sufficient to answer the question.

Question: What is the value of x?


I. x - 2y = 7

II. 4x - 28 = 8y

A.Both statements I and II together are sufficient to answer the question asked but neither statement alone is sufficient

B.Each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question

C.Statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question asked and additional data to the problem is needed.

D.Only one of the statements, alone, is sufficient to answer the question but the other statement is not
Answer : Option C

Explanation: Statement I alone or Statement II alone can’t answer the question.

By, observing mostly people think, solving I and II together can answer but no, solving I and II together even, you can’t even get the value of x.

Since equation 1 and 2 are having infinite solutions.

So, Option C is the answer.


Q5) Read the information given below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

In a parking lot, 5 cars each are parked in two parallel lines facing each other. Benz, XUV, Duster, Eco sports, and Scorpio are parked facing South while Zen, i20, i10, Polo, and Brio are parked facing North.

- XUV is parked to the immediate left of Eco sports and is opposite to Brio.

- Duster and i20 are parked diagonally opposite.

- Scorpio is parked opposite to i10 which is to the immediate right of Zen.

- Polo is parked to the immediate left of Brio and is opposite to Eco sports.

- Zen is parked to one of the extremes.

Which car is parked third to the right of i10?

A. Zen
B. i20

C. Cannot be determined

D. Brio
Answer : Option B

Explanation: The arrangement as per the given conditions is as follows,

Duster          Scorpio         Eco Sports        XUV          Benz

Zen                i10                   Polo                    Brio           i20.

3rd to the right of i10 is i20. So, correct option is B.


Q6) Choose the correct alternative that will continue the same pattern and fill in the blank spaces:

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, (....), 17

A. 12

B. 13

C. 14

D. 15
Answer : Option B

Explanation: The given series is a prime number series. So, the missing prime number is 13. So, option B is the correct answer.


Q8) Find the odd one out of the given options.





Answer : Option C

Explanation: The odd one is Iodine. Because the others are metal and are in normally solid state but in case of Iodine it is not metal and it normally appears as liquid.


Q9) Statement:

The principal instructed all the teachers to be careful in class because some students may disturb other students.


I. The teachers may handle the situation properly and they may restrict the naughty students.

II. The students will welcome the decision of the Principal.

A. If only assumption I is implicit

B. If only assumption II is implicit

C. If either I or II is implicit

D. If neither I nor II is implicit

Answer : Option A

Explanation: Clearly, teachers have been instructed to maintain discipline in the class and point out the naughty students who do not let other students’ study. So, statement I is implicit. Regarding students welcoming or not we can’t decide that, so II doesn’t implicit.


Q10) Multiple choice (select 1 out of 4 options for the questions below)

A man walks 5 km towards south and then turns right. After walking 3 km he turns to the left and walks 5 km. Now in which direction is he from the starting place?



C.North East

D.South West

Answer : Option D

Explanation: The direction from the starting point is South-west


Q11) Event (A): Company X is opening an office in city Y for marketing the company's products.

Event (B): Company X has chalked out an expansion plan, involving raising

production capacity at its existing plants.

A. If 'A' is the effect and 'B' is its immediate and principle cause.

B. If 'B' is the effect and 'A' is its immediate and principle cause.

C. If 'A' is the effect but 'B' is not its immediate and principle cause.

D. If 'B' is the effect but 'A' is not its immediate and principle cause.

Answer : Option C

Explanation: Events (A) and (B) are related events and chronologically (B) occurs before (A) and because of as they are planning to increase capacity, they have to make a plan to sell their products also so they open new offices for marketing those products. But opening an office in a particular city, requires other events such as market survey etc. It is not the immediate and principle cause.


Q12) 522 1235 2661 4800 7652 11217 ?


B. 16208

C. 14782

D. 16921

Answer : Option A

Explanation: 522+(713*1) =1235

1235+(713*2) =2661

2661+(713*3) =4800

4800+(713*4) =7652

7652+(713*5) =11217

11217+(713*6) =15495


Q13) The question consists of two terms which have a certain relationship with each other followed and if the same relationship is followed, which pair will be followed?

Light : Blind :: _________

A.Speech : Dumb

B.Language : Deaf

C.Tongue : Sound

D.Voice : Vibration

Answer : Option A

Explanation: Absence of Light will make Blind and absence of Speech will make Dumb.


Q14) Statement:

Cutting down of forests is a threat to the wild life. Most of the species of animals are on the verge of extinction.

Courses of Action:

I. The species of animals, which are on the verge of extinction, must be protected by creating wild life sanctuaries which contain flora that defines the native habitat of the endangered animals.

II. To the maximum extent possible we should stop deforestation.

III. Growing urban forests to compensate for deforestation.

A. Only II follows

B. Only III follows

C. Only I and II follow

D. Only I and

Answer : Option C

Explanation: Cutting down of forests is a threat to the wild life. Most of the species of animals are on the verge of extinction.  Only III Growing urban forests to compensate for deforestation follows .


Q15) Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step.

The following isan illustration of input and rearrangement:

Input: 39 121 48 18 76 112 14 45 63 96

Step I: 14 39 121 48 18 76 112 45 63 96

Step II: 14 39 48 18 76 112 45 63 96 121

Step III: 14 18 39 48 76 112 45 63 96 121

Step IV: 14 18 39 48 76 45 63 96 112 121

Step V: 14 18 39 45 48 76 63 96 112 121

Step VI: 14 18 39 45 48 63 76 96 112 121

This is the final arrangement and step VI is the last step for this input.

How many steps will be required for getting the final output for the following input?

Input: 101 85 66 49 73 39 142 25 115 74

A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

D. 8

Answer : Option D

Explanation: Step I: The smallest number becomes first and the remaining numbers shift one position rightward.

Step II: The largest number among given numbers becomes last and the remaining numbers shift one position leftward.

The steps are repeated alternately till all the numbers get arranged in ascending order and that will be that last step for that particular input. Hence 8 steps


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