Q1) There are five rods K, L, M, N and O. The weight of O is twice the weight of L. The weight of L is equal to the weight of K and M taken together. The weight of M is twice the weight of K. The weight of N is thrice the weight of M. If the weight of N is 90 kg. What will be the weight of O?
A. 105 kg
B. 60 kg
C. 120 kg
D. 90 kg
Answer: Option D
Explanation: N = 90
N is thrice the weight of M
3M = N
M = 30
M is twice of K
M = 2K
K = 15
L = K+M = 45
O is twice of L
O = 2L = 90
Q2) Which is the wrong term in the following series? CMQ, FPT, JTX, OYC, UFI
Answer: Option D
Explanation: The incorrect term in the series is UFI. (Option D)
The first two terms, CMQ and FPT.
The alphabets between C and F are 2 (D, E).
The alphabets between M and P are 2 (N, O).
The alphabets between Q and T are 2 (R, S).
Now the second and third terms, FPT and JTX.
The alphabets between F and J are 3 (G, H, I).
The alphabets between P and T are 3 (Q, R, S).
The alphabets between T and X are 3 (U, V, W).
Similarly, third and fourth terms, JTX, and OYC.
The alphabets between J and O are 4 (K, L, M, N).
The alphabets between T and Y are 4 (U, V, W, X).
The alphabets between X and C are 4 (Y, Z, A, B).
By comparing the last two terms, OYC and UFI, we found that,
The alphabets between O and U are 5 (P, Q, R, S, T).
The alphabets between Y and F were found to be 6 which does not satisfy the series.
Q3) In a certain code,
A % B means 'A is the brother of B',
A & B means 'A is the mother of B',
A @ B means 'A is the daughter of B',
A $ B means 'A is the father of B' and A # B means 'A is the sister of B'.
If K $ Z % U & H # N @ T, how is T related to U?
A. Sister
B. Husband
C. Wife
D. Brother
Answer: Option B
Explanation: K $ Z % U & H # N @ T
K is father of Z, Z is brother of U, U is mother of H, H is sister of N, N is daughter of T
U is mother of H& N, T is father of N
Hence T is husband of U.
Q4) Five teachers P, Q, R, S and T teach a group of students in sequence between 9 and 2 pm. Each teacher teaches for one hour. Q takes the first class. S teaches just after T, R teaches before P and T. Who takes the second class from 10 am to 11 am?
A. S
B. R
C. P
D. T
Answer: Option B
Explanation: Q takes first class from 9.00 a.m. to 10 a.m.
S teaches just after T.
R teaches before P and T.
It means R teaches before P, T and S.
Hence sequence in which the teachers take class is as follows:
Q → R → P → T → S.
Hence R will be second to take class from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Q5) Given below is a question followed by two statements. I and II, each containing some information. Which of the following statements is/are sufficient to answer the question? How is A related to C? Statements: I. A is the wife of B and B is the brother of C. II. C is the son of D.
A. Both I and II together are not sufficient
B. Statement I alone is sufficient.
C. Statement II alone is sufficient
D. Both I and II together are sufficient.
Answer: Option B
Explanation: From I. A is the wife of B and B is the brother of C.
A is sister -in – law for C
From II, we can’t find the relation between A&C , hence option B
Q6) Find the wrong term in the letter cluster series given below:
Answer: Option C
Explanation: the difference between 1st terms , 2nd, 3rd & 4th terms are like +6,-3,+6,-3 only term that doesn’t follow the rule is MAOX
Q7) In each of the five pairs of letter-clusters, the letter in the second term are a rearranged/ transformed form of the letters has been put together in a particular pattern. In which two pairs, has the transformation been done in the same way?
A. D and A
B. C and D
C. B and C
D. A and B
Answer: Option D
Q8) Statements:
Some drills are drugs
No drug is a dam
No drill is a laker
I. Some lakers are drugs
II. Some dams are drills
A. If neither conclusion I nor II follows
B. If only conclusion II follows
C. If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
D. If only conclusion I follows
Answer: Option C
Explanation: either conclusion I or conclusion II follows as per the venn diagram

Q9) Find the wrong term in the given series
Answer: Option B
Q10) Given below is the question followed by two statements ,I and II each containing some information.Decide which if the statement(s) is/are sufficient to answer the question.
Five persons - A,B,C,D and E sit around a circular table , facing the centre not necessarily in that order .Who sits second to the right of D?
I. A sits the immediate right of E, who is not a neighbour of D.
II. B is to the immediate left of D.
A. If only statement II is sufficient to answer the question.
B. If the data in both the statement I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
C. If the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
D. If only statement I id sufficient to answer the question.
Answer: Option B
Explanation: By using both I & II

Q11) Five persons A,B,C,D and E are comparing the number of books which they have bought recently. A bought more number of books than C and E, but not the highest. B bought more number of books than exactly one person. Then which of the following bought the highest number of books?
A. C
B. D
C. B
D. E
Answer: Option B
Explanation: A > C& E
B is in 4th position
And a is more than c & e, and a is not the highest so only possibility for the 1st position is D
Q12) In a certain code, if:
J@K means j is k’s daughter.
J%K means j is k’s wife.
J + K means K is j’s father.
J / K means K is J’s mother.
How is R related to N in the given expression?
A. Mother-in-law
B. Son-in-law
C. Daughter-in-law
D. Mother
Answer: Option C
Q13) Among P,Q,R,S and T , Q is the second tallest and S is immediately taller than the shortest. R is neither tallest nor the shortest. Who among them is in the middle when they stand in the order of their heights?
A. R
B. P
C. S
D. T
Answer: Option A
Explanation: From the given statement, the descending order of heights is :__, Q,__, S,__.
From II, we have the order: _, Q, R, S,__. Thus, R is in the middle.
Q14) Given below is a question followed by two statements I and II, Decide which of the statements is/are sufficient to answer the question.
What is the color of human blood?
I. Red is called white and white is called yellow.
II. Yellow is called pink and pink is called green.
A. Statement II alone is sufficient
B. Either statement I alone or II alone is sufficient.
C. Statement I alone is sufficient.
D. Both statements I and II, are necessary.
Answer: Option C
Explanation: Only I is sufficient to identify the answer, Red is called white
Q15) Given the below question followed by two statements 1 and 2, each containing some information. Decide which of the statements is /are sufficient to answer the question.
What is the height of triangle ABC?
1. The height and base of triangle ABC are in the ratio of 6:5.
2. The area of triangle ABC is 60 sq. cm, its perimeter is 36cm and its base is 5/18th of the The perimeter of the triangle.
A. The data given in both statements 1 and 2 together is not sufficient to answer the question.
B. The data in either statement 1 alone or in statement 2 alone is sufficient to answer the question.
C. The data in statement 2 alone is sufficient to answer the question while statement 1 is not alone sufficient to answer the question.
D. The data in statement 1 alone is sufficient to answer the question while statement 2 is not alone sufficient to answer the question.
Answer: Option C
Explanation: By using 2. The area of triangle ABC is 60 sq. cm, its perimeter is 36cm and its base is 5/18th of the perimeter of the triangle.
Base = 5/18th of perimeter = 5/18 * 36 = 10cm
Area = ½ * base * height
60 = ½ * 10 * height
Height = 12cm
Q16)Sohan and Saurabh are brothers. Tanya and Tashima are sisters. Saurabh’s father is the only son-in-law of Tanya’s mother’s mother. How is Tasima related to Sohan’s father ?
‘#’ is sister-in-law, ‘>’ is daughter, ‘<’ is granddaughter, and ‘@’ is sister?
A. #
B. >
C. <
D. %
Answer: Option B
Explanation: Saurabh’s father is the only son-in-law of Tanya’s mother’s mother
Hence saurabh’s father is married to Tanya’s mother
Tanya and saurab are brothers and sister
Tasima will be daughter to sohan’s father.
Q17) Read the given information carefully and answer the following questions
I. ‘A#B’ means ‘A’ is the mother of ‘B’
II. ‘A*B’ means ‘A’ is the father of ‘B’
III. ‘A&B’ means ‘A’ is the brother of ‘B’
IV. ‘A%B’ means ‘A’ is the sister of ‘B’
Which among the following expression shows that R is the maternal uncle of T?
A. P&Q*R#S#T
B. P#Q*R%S#T
C. P#Q*R*S#T
D. P%Q*R&S#T
Answer: Option D
Explanation: Going through options only D satisfy
P is the sister of Q
Q is father of R
R is brother of S
S is mother of T
Hence, R is maternal uncle of T
Q18) Given below is the question followed by three statements, I II and III, each containing some information. Decide which of the given statement is CORRECT?
The question consists of three statements numbered I, II and III, given below it.You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.
Eight people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W were ranked based on their weights.Who is the 4th lightest person?
I. U is heavier than only two persons. T is heavier than U but lighter than P , who is lighter than only three persons.
II. R is heavier than P but lighter than Q.S is heavier than V.
III. P is heavier than S , who is lighter than U.
A. Data are given in all statements I, II, and III together are required to answer the question.
B. Data given in both statements I and II together are required to answer the question.
C. Data given in statements I and III together are required to answer the question.
D. Data given in statement I alone is required to answer the question.
Answer: Option D
Explanation: Only I is sufficient U is heavier than only two persons. T is heavier than U but lighter than P , who is lighter than only three persons.
U will be in 6th place
P will be in 4th place
T will be in 5th place
Q19) Statements:
All taps are mats.
All cats are rats
All mats are rats.
I. All cats are mats.
II. Some rats are taps.
III. Some taps are cats is not a possibility.
IV. All taps are rats.
A. Only IV follow
B. Only II and IV follow
C. Only I, III and IV follow
D. All follow
Answer: Option B
Explanation: As per Venn diagram only II & IV follows

Q20) Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F. G, and H are sitting around a square table. All of them are facing towards the center, Only one person sits on each of the sides and only one person sits on each of the corners. Four of them sit on the sides and four of them sit on the corners. C is sitting 3rd to the left of B, who sits on aside. D is sitting opposite to H, who is sitting 3rd to the right of B. A is sitting 2nd to the right of G. G is not sitting opposite to either E or F. F is not an immediate neighbor of H.
Who among the following is sitting opposite to A?
A. F
B. B
C. E
D. C
Answer: Option C

TCS NQT Advanced Reasoning Ability
(Advanced Section Previous year Questions)
Q1) 95% of the students in a class have taken Marketing, 80% have chosen Finance, 84% have chosen operations (ops), and 90% have chosen Human Resources (HR). What is the maximum and minimum percentage of people who have chosen all of the four?
A. 80% and 56%
B. 95% and 53%
C. 80% and 49%
D. 80% and 51%
Answer - Option C
Explanation: Given: Students who have opted for marketing = 95%
Students who have opted for Finance = 80%
Students who have opted for Operations = 84%
Students who have opted for Human Resources = 90%
To Find: The maximum and minimum percentage of people who have chosen all of the four
Concept/Formula used: By using Venn Diagrams
Maximum percentage of people who have chosen all of the four = 80%
People opting finance is 80%, it comprises the smallest percentage of the total available for the overlap of students studying other subjects.
Minimum percentage of people who have chosen all of the four
= 100% - Max number of students studying 3 subjects or less
= 100% - (100%- 95%) – (100%-80%) – (100%-84%) – (100%-90%)
= 49%
The maximum and minimum percentage of people who have chosen all of the four are80% and 49%
Direction Q2 - Q4) Eight friends - Abhi, Bablu, Chintu, Dillu, Ekra, Fazia, Guru and Had - go to a restaurant that offers many cuisines. Each of the friends order a different cuisine - Italian, Thai, French, Indian, Japanese, Lebanese, Mexican and Spanish. The table that they sat on is in the shape of a square. Four of the friends sat at the corners of the table and the remaining four sat on the sides of the table. Further:
(1) Chintu sits to the opposite of the person who ordered Indian food.
(2) Bablu sits at one of the sides of the table and he sits to the immediate right of Abhi.
(3) Guru ordered Japanese food and is sitting between Chintu and Had.
(4) The person who ordered Thai food sits two places away from the person, who is adjacent to Hari.
(5) Chintu is not at the corners of the table and Guru sits to the immediate right of Chintu.
(6) Fazia sits adjacent to the person who ordered Indian food and three places away from Had.
(7) Dillu did not order Thai food and sits opposite to the person who ordered Spanish food.
(8) Bablu is not sitting opposite to Had, who ordered Lebanese food, but sits opposite to the person who ordered Mexican food.
(9) Ekra did not order Italian and is sitting next to Fazia.
Q2) Which of the following pairs is different from the others?
A. Hari - Spanish
B. Fazia - French
C. Dillu - Mexican
D. Abhi - Lebanese
Answer - Option D
Explanation: The arrangement as follows.
According to 3 and 5, Guru, who ordered Japanese food is sitting one of the corners. Chintu sits to the immediate left of Guru and Hari, who ordered Lebanese food, sits to the immediate right of Guru.
According to 1, the person who ordered Indian food sat opposite to Chintu and this gives according to 6 Fazia acids opposite to Guru.
According to 2, Bablu 6 opposite to Chintu and Abhi sits to his left that gives Bablu ordered Indian food.
According to 9, Ekra sits to the immediate write of Fazia and to the immediate right of Ekra sits Dillu.
According to 8, we can say that Chintu ordered Mexican food.
According to 7, we can say that Abhi ordered Spanish food.
Using 4 we can say that Fazia ordered Thai food.
Using 9, we can say that Dillu ordered Italian cuisine and Ekra ordered French cuisine.

According to the arrangement,
First three options – Name and food are in the Anti-clockwise direction.
But Abhi – Lebanese (Name and food) – goes int the clockwise direction.
Q3) Which cuisine food did the the person sitting to the immediate right of Hari order?
A. Japanese
B. Spanish
C. Indian
D. Mexican
Answer - Option B
Explanation: The arrangement as follows.
According to 3 and 5, Guru, who ordered Japanese food is sitting one of the corners. Chintu sits to the immediate left of Guru and Hari, who ordered Lebanese food, sits to the immediate right of Guru.
According to 1, the person who ordered Indian food sat opposite to Chintu and this gives according to 6 Fazia acids opposite to Guru.
According to 2, Bablu 6 opposite to Chintu and Abhi sits to his left that gives Bablu ordered Indian food.
According to 9, Ekra sits to the immediate write of Fazia and to the immediate right of Ekra sits Dillu.
According to 8, we can say that Chintu ordered Mexican food.
According to 7, we can say that Abhi ordered Spanish food.
Using 4 we can say that Fazia ordered Thai food.
Using 9, we can say that Dillu ordered Italian cuisine and Ekra ordered French cuisine.

According to the arrangement,
Immediate right of Hari is Abhi, who ordered – Spanish. So, option B.
Q4) W, X, Y and Z should be seated in a column such that Y and Z sit together and X sits in the second place. Then which of the following is true?
A. W sits in the third row
B. Y sits in the third row
C. W sits in the first row
D. Z sits in the fourth row
Answer - Option C
Explanation: If X sits in the second place. Y & Z sit in the 3rd and the 4th places (order is not known) hence W sits in the first row. So, option C is the right answer.
Directiob Q5) - Q7) There are 21 employees working in a division, out of whom 10 are special-skilled employees (SE) and the remaining are regular skilled employees (RE). During the next five months, the division has to complete five projects every month. Out of the 25 projects, 5 projects are “challenging”, while the remaining ones are “standard”. Each of the challenging projects has to be completed in different months. Every month, five teams – T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5, work on one project each. T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 are allotted the challenging project in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth month, respectively. The team assigned the challenging project has one more employee than the rest.
In the first month, T1 has one more SE than T2, T2 has one more SE than T3, T3 has one more SE than T4, and T4 has one more SE than T5. Between two successive months, the composition of the teams changes as follows:
a. The team allotted the challenging project, gets two SE from the team which was allotted the challenging project in the previous month. In exchange, one RE is shifted from the former team to the latter team.
b. After the above exchange, if T1 has any SE and T5 has any RE, then one SE is shifted from T1 to T5, and one RE is shifted from T 5 to T1. Also, if T2 has any SE and T4 has any RE, then one SE is shifted from T2 to T4, and one RE is shifted from T4 to T2.
Each standard project has a total of 100 credit points, while each challenging project has 200 credit points. The credit points are equally shared between the employees included in that team.
Q5) The number of times in which the composition of team T 2 and the number of times in which composition of team T 4 remained unchanged in two successive months are:???????
A. (2, 1)
B. (1, 0)
C. (0, 0)
D. (1, 1)
Answer - Option B
Explanation: Number of Special Skilled Employees (SE) = 10
Number of Regular Skilled Employees (RE) = 11

The composition of T2 remains unchanged in T2 in 3rd and 4th months. The composition for T4 changes constantly.
Option (B)
Q6) The number of SE in T1 and T5 for the projects in the third month are, respectively:
A. (0, 2)
B. (0, 3)
C. (1, 2)
D. (1, 3)
Answer - Option A
Number of SE in T1 in third month = 0
Number of SE in T5 in third month = 2
Option (A)
Q7) Which of the following CANNOT be the total credit points earned by any employee from the projects?
A. 140
B. 150
C. 170
D. 200
Answer - Option B
Money one person earns in a Challenging Project = 200/5 = 40
Money one person earns in a Standard Project = 100/4 = 25
An employee can earn 140 when they work in one Challenging project and 4 Standard Projects = 40 + 25*4 = 140
An employee can earn 170 when they work in 3 Challenging Projects and 2 Standard Projects = 3*40 + 2*25 = 170
An employee can earn 200 when they work in 5 Challenging Projects = 5*40 = 200
So, option (B) does not seem possible
Q8) Direction: In each of the following questions among the four answer figures which one can be formed from the cut out pieces given below????????
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer - Option B
Explanation: The only figure that can be formed from the cut-out pieces is 2, which is option B.
Q9) Directions: In each question three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II have been given. You have to take the given statement to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements. Give answer.
Statements :
0% frocks are pants.
All shorts are frocks.
A few jackets are pants.
Conclusions :
I. Not a single pant is short.
II. A good number of jackets are not frocks.
A. If only conclusion I follows.
B. If only conclusion II follows.
C. If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
D. If both conclusion I and II follows.
E. If either conclusion I or II follows.
Answer - Option D
Explanation: Checking C1: Not a single pant is short.
Using S2 and S1,
All shorts are frocks + '0% frocks are pants' or 'No frocks are pants' = No shorts are pants or No pants are shorts which is same as 'Not a single pant is short'. Hence, C1 follows.
Checking C2: A good number of jackets are not frocks.
A few jackets are pants + Converse of S1 (which is 'No pants are frocks) = 'A few jackets are not frocks' which is same as 'A good number of jackets are not frocks'.
Hence, C2 follows as well. Clearly, option D is the correct answer.
Direction Q10 - Q14 :Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight employees of an organization working in three departments, viz Personnel, Administration and Marketing with not more than three of them in any department. Each of them has a different choice of sports from football, cricket, volleyball, badminton, lawn tennis, basketball, hockey and table tennis, not necessarily in the same order. D works in Administration and does not like either football or cricket. F works in Personnel with only A, who likes table tennis. E and H do not work in the same department as D. C likes hockey and does not work in Marketing. G does not work in Administration and does not like either cricket or badminton. One of those who work in Administration likes football. The one who likes volleyball works in Personnel. None of those who work in Administration likes either badminton or lawn tennis. H does not like cricket
Q10) Which of the following groups of employees work in Administration department ?
E. Data inadequate
Answer - Option C

From the above table, it's clear that B, C and D work in Administration Department.
Q11) In which department does E work?
A. Personnel
B. Marketing
C. Administration
D. Data inadequate
E. None of these
Answer - Option B
Explanation: From the above table, it's clear that E works in Marketing Department.
Q12) Which of the following combinations of employees – Department – Sports correct ?
A. E – Administration – Cricket
B. F – Personnel – Lawn Tennis
C. H – Marketing – Lawn Tennis
D. B – Administration – Table Tennis
E. None of these
Answer - Option E
Explanation: As per the arrangement, none of the options from A, B, C and D match the correct order. So, the option is E.
Q13) Which is E’s favorite sport ?
A. Cricket
B. Badminton
C. basketball
D. Lawn Tennis
E. None of these
Answer - Option A
Explanation: E’s favourite sport is Cricket.
Q14) What is G’s favorite sport?
A. Cricket
B. Badminton
C. basketball
D. Lawn Tennis
E. None of these
Answer - Option D
Explanation: G’s favourite sport is Lawn Tennis, option D.
Q15) Direction: In each question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II.
You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement. Give answer
''While there is no harm in providing safetybelt for international players, we need to pay more to our first-class players, especially as most of them are without jobs.''- Statement made by BCCI treasurer
Conclusions :
I. Senior players already get huge amounts and giving them more makes little sense.
II. All first-class players need more motivation than that needed by international players.
A. if only conclusion I follows
B. if only conclusion II follows
C. if either I or II follows
D. if neither I nor II follows, and
E. if both I and II follow
Answer - Option D
Explanation: Statement I does not follow because '' senior players'' is no category in the statement. II does not follow because ''more'' does not compare the two categories of players. The statement merely implies that first-class players should get more than what they do at present.