Tech Mahindra Logical Ability Previous Year Questions

28 January 2023

Tech Mahindra Logical Reasoning Questions

Q1) Nikki, who is Ronny’s daughter, says to Indle, “Your mother Reggie is the youngest sister of my father, who is the third child of Jack .'' How is Jack related to Indle? (Jack is male)

A.Maternal uncle



Answer : Option C

Explanation: Nikki says youngest sister of her father is Reggie. Reggie is Nikki’s aunt. Reggie is the third child of jack & Indle is the Reggie's daughter and Irene is jack's grandmother. So jack is Grandfather to Indle.


Q2) If we code TOM CRUISE as “TOC” and JACK HURLEY as “JAH”. What should ANGEL WINSLET be coded as? 




Answer : Option A

Explanation: TOM CRUISE as “TOC”


First two alphabets of the first word and first alphabet of the second word.

ANGEL WINSLET be coded as “ANW”


Q3) Consider the following statements and determine which of the given conclusions follow.


a. Some girls are thieves.

b. All thieves are cons.


I. Some girls are cons.

II. All cons are girls.

A.Only I follows

B.Only II follows

C.Both I and II follow

D.Neither I nor II follow
Answer : Option A

Explanation: As per Venn diagram only conclusion I follows.


Q4) Among the family members M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5 all with different heights, M2 is taller than only M5. M3 is not the tallest in the family. M1 is taller than M2 but shorter than M3. Who among them will be in the middle if they stand in the increasing order of their heights?




D.Cannot be determined
Answer : Option A

Explanation: M2 is taller than only M5.

_ _ _ _ M2 M5

M3 is not the tallest in the family, therefore M4 will be the tallest. M1 is taller than M2 but shorter than M3

M4 M3 M1 M2 M5


Q5) Four girls are sitting on a bench, to be photographed. All are facing North. Amy is to the left of Tia. Gracia is to the right of Tia. Sandra is between Tia and Gracia. Who would be the second from the left in the photograph?




Answer : Option A

Explanation: Amy is to the left of Tia. Gracia is to the right of Tia. Sandra is between Tia and Gracia.


As per photograph


The person 2nd from the left in photograph will be Sandra


Q6) Tom walks 6 km east. Then he turns to his right and walks 10 km. He turns to his right and walks 6 km. He then turns left and walks 15 km. At what distance and in which direction is he from the starting point?

A. 21 kilometers, South

B. 15 kilometers, South

C. 21 kilometers, North

D. 25 kilometers, South
Answer : Option D
Explanation: Distance between A&B will be 25km and direction is south


Q7) If Bike is coded as ‘64’, CAR is coded as ‘27’ and TRUCK is coded as ‘125’ then TRACTOR is coded as:

A. 242

B. 232

C. 452

D. 343
Answer : Option D

Explanation: BIKE => 4 Letter word => 4*4*4 => 64

CAR =>  3 Letter word => 3*3*3 => 27

TRUCK => 5 Letter word => 5*5*5 => 125

TRACTOR => 7 Letter word => 7*7*7 => 343


Q8) Parvesh travels 15m towards the north, turns right, and travels 20m. Then turns left and travels 5m. How far is he from the starting point and in which direction?

A. 20 m, North- East

B. 20√2 m, North-East

C. 30√2 m, North

D. None of these
Answer : Option B


Q9)Which of the given options should fill in the blank? 





Answer : Option C


1st Letter  

(each letter is increased by 1)

10    11    12   13    14     15

J      K      L     M     N      O

2nd Letter

Letters are reduced by 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1

23    18   14    11     9     8

W      R     N    K          H

3rd Letter

( each letter is increased by 2)

5     7      9    11     13       15

E     G      I     K      L        O

NIL   is the correct option


Q10) In the series below determine the order of the letters. Then from the given options select the one which will complete the given series.

___, ayw, gec, mki, sqo

A. awx

B. usq

C. prs

D. lmn
Answer : Option B

Explanation: Each term in the series consists of alternate letters of alphabetic series in reverse order. The first letter of each term and the last letter of the next term are also alternate.

So, the missing term would usq.


Q11) A, B, C, D, E, F and G members of a family consisting of four adults and three children, 2 of them being girls, namely F and G. A and D are brothers and A is a dentist. E is a teacher married to one of the brothers and has two children. B is married to D and G is their only child. Which of the following are the two cousins?

A. F and G

C. C and B

D. D and G

D. C and F
Answer : Option  A

Explanation: B is married to D, G is there only child

A and D are brothers and A is a dentist. E is a teacher married to one of the brothers

Hence E is the wife of A , and F will be there daughter.

Hence F & G are cousins.


Q12) What will be the code for “here” if “here is the sword” is coded as “ka na po che” and “ancient civilization lived here” is coded as “la va you ka”?  

A. la

B. na

C. Va

D. Ka
Answer : Option  D

Explanation:  if “here is the sword” is coded as “ka na po che”

 “ancient civilization lived here” is coded as “la va you ka”

Common term between them is only here which stands for “Ka”


Q13) Consider the following statements and determine which of the given conclusions follow.


a. All jets are phones.

b. Some phones are chairs.


I. Some jets are chairs.

II. Some chairs are jets.

III. Some chairs are phones.

A. Only II and III follow

B. Only I and II follow

C. All follow

D. Only III follows
Answer : Option  D

Explanation: As per the venn diagram only 3 follows.


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