Wipro Verbal Ability Questions

30 April 2024


Q1) Find the theme or central idea of the following passage.

A botanical garden or botanic garden a garden dedicated to the collection, cultivation, preservation, and display of a wide range of plants labeled with their botanical names. It may contain specialist plant collections such as cacti and other succulent plants, herb gardens, plants from particular parts of the world, and so on; there may be greenhouses, shade houses, again with special collections such as tropical plants, alpine plants, or other exotic plants.

A. succulent plants

B. herb gardens

C. greenhouses

D. Botanical Garden
Answer - Option D

Explanation: It is very clear that, the entire passage is regarding the Botanical garden.


Q2) Fill in the blanks with the best suitable words from the options.

In meteorology, a ..……….is a large scale air mass that rotates around a strong center of low atmospheric pressure.

A. waves

B. cyclone

C. reptile

D. cylinder
Answer - Option B

Explanation: The only option that fits the blank here is ‘cyclone’.

Since cyclone is a large air mass that rotates around a strong center of low atmospheric pressure.


Q3) Fill up the sentences with the pair of words that make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

For a long time I………………………… not decide whether I …………………………… eat meat or not.

A. Will, can

B. Should, could

C. Could, may

D. Could, should
Answer - Option D

Explanation: Since the person is doubtful regarding his decision. The first blank is ‘could’.

So, options A and B are eliminated.

In between C and D,

May = permission.

Should = to say someone ought to do something or must do something.

Since it’s not a permission, should is the appropriate term to be used.

So, option D is correct.


Q4) Find out the words which have the similar meaning of the bold words among the following options:

By next year, I settled in Singapore for 10 years.

A. will have been living

B. lived

C. will have lived

D. would have lived
Answer - Option A

Explanation: Future Perfect Continuous Tense is used to emphasize the continuity of an action over another in the future.


My mom will have been doing housework for 2 hours by the time my dad comes home.

We will have been talking with each other for 2 hours by the time she gets home.


Q5) Read each of the short passages given below and choose the option best representing the theme of the passage.

Radiation is the energy released from the atom as the element disintegrates from one element to another. There are many types of radiation, including light and microwaves. When radioactive elements release their energy, the radiation is called ionizing radiation, which includes charged particles. These charged particles are the harmful radiation that is dangerous to live organisms. However, not all radiation emitted from the elements is harmful to humans and are classed as alpha and beta ray radiation.

A. Characteristic of energy

B. Radioactive Substances

C. Radiation Emission

D. Harmful effects of emission.
Answer - Option C

Explanation: The passage is about the radiation that is emitted from radioactive elements and the effects.

So option C is the correct answer.



Direction (Q6 - Q7): Read the given passage carefully and answer the question that follows.

The Stratosphere specifically, the lower Stratosphere has. It seems, been drying out. Water vapor Is  a greenhouse gas, and the cooling effect on the Earth's climate due to this desiccation may account  for a fair bit of the slowdown in the rise of global temperatures seen over the past ten years. The Stratosphere sits on top of the Troposphere, the lowest densest layer of the atmosphere.

The boundary between the two, the Tropopause, is about 18km above your head. If you are in the tropics, and a few kilometers lower if you are at higher latitudes (or up a mountain). In the Troposphere, the air at higher altitudes is in general cooler than the air below it, an unstable situation in which warm and often moist air below is endlessly buoying up into cooler air above. The resultant commotion creates clouds, storms and much of the rest of the world's weather. In the Stratosphere,the air gets warmer at higher altitudes, which provides stability.

The Stratosphere-which extends up to about 55km, where the Mesosphere begins, Is made even  less weather-prone by the absence of water vapor, and thus of the clouds and precipitation to which it leads. This is because the top of the Troposphere is normally very cold, causing ascending water vapor to freeze into ice crystals that drift and fall, rather than continuing up into the Stratosphere.

A little water manages to get past this cold trap. But as Dr Solomon and her colleagues note, satellite measurements show that rather less has been doing so over the past ten years than was the case previously. Plugging the changes in water vapor into a climate model that looks at the way different substances absorb and emit Infrared radiation, they conclude that between 2000 and 2009 a drop in the Stratospheric water vapor of less than one part per million slowed the rate of warming at the Earth's surface by about 25%.


Q6) What is the order of layers in the atmosphere starting from the lowermost and going to the topmost?

A. Tropopause, Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere

B. Troposphere, Tropopause, Stratosphere, Mesosphere

C. Troposphere, Tropopause, Mesosphere, Stratosphere

D. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Tropopause, Mesosphere

Answer - Option B

Explanation: According to the information the passage.

The Stratosphere sits on top of the Troposphere, the lowest densest layer of the atmosphere.

The boundary between the two, the Tropopause, is about 18km above your head.

So, Troposphere is the lowest. Tropopause is second and on top of it, Stratosphere is there.

So, the only option which follows the order is option B.


Q7) Choose the correct answer based on the passage.

Why is the situation in the troposphere defined as unstable?

A. Because, unlike the Stratosphere, there is too much water vapor in the Troposphere

B. Because the Troposphere is not directly linked to the Stratosphere, but through the Tropopause which creates much of the world’s weather

C. Because of the interaction between warm and cool air which is unpredictable in nature and can lead to storms

D. Because this layer of the atmosphere is very cloudy and can lead to weather related disruptions

Answer - Option C

Explanation: In the Troposphere, the air at higher altitudes is in general cooler than the air below it, an unstable situation in which warm and often moist air below is endlessly buoying up into cooler air above. The resultant commotion creates clouds, storms and much of the rest of the world's weather. In the Stratosphere, the air gets warmer at higher altitudes, which provides stability.

From the above information, because of option C, there is unitability in troposphere.


Q8) Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given word.


A. Credible

B. Discipline

C. Gullible

D. Weakness

Answer - Option C

Explanation: Credulity = a tendency to be too ready to believe that something is real or true.

The only option that best expresses the same meaning is Gullible, which means the same as credulity does.

So, the correct answer is option C.


Q9) Select the correct option that fills the blank(s) to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

Many employees feel that the economic situation should not be a ______ to the performance management system of any organization.

A. Deterrent

B. Encouragement

C. Problem

D. Symptom
Answer - Option A

Explanation: Deterrent means an obstacle.

So, employees feel that the economic situation should not be an obstacle to the performance.

So, option A fits the best.


Q10) Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given word.


A. Defuse

B. Ample

C. Flimsy

D. Accept

E. Declare

Answer - Option B

Explanation: Profuse meaning = given or produced in great quantity.

The only option that has same meaning is ‘ample’.

So, option B is the correct answer.


Q11) Select the correct option that fills the blank(s) to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

Mentally he _____ not been the same after his near fatal accident.

A. Has

B. Was

C. Have

D. Is

E. Had

Answer - Option A

Explanation: Since been is used, perfect tense must be used.

‘Have’ cannot be used, since ‘he’ is singular subject.

In between ‘had’ and ‘has’, had represents past perfect tense which has nothing to do with the sentence.

So, the answer is option A.


Q12) Select the option that is most nearly opposite to the given word.


A. Useful

B. Handy

C. Functional

D. Positive

Answer - Option A

Explanation: Futile = Useless.

Since we need an opposite meaning, Useful is the correct option, which is in option A.


Q13) Read the sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is “D’. (ignore - the errors of punctuation, if any)

(A)The meeting adjourned abruptly/(B) by the CEO after/(C) about three hours of deliberation./(D) No error

A. (A)

B. (B)

C. (C)

D. (D)

Answer - Option A

Explanation: There is an error is part A, the correct sentence should be, the meeting was adjourned abruptly.


Q14) In the question, a part of the sentence is italicized. Alternatives to the italicized part are given which  may improve the construction of the sentence. Select the correct alternative.

The appropriate atmospheric conditions made it feasible for the astronomers to see the stars and  they could even distinguish the sizes.

A. And even distinguish the sizes

B. And they were even distinguishing the sizes

C. And he could even distinguish the sizes

D. And even distinguishing the sizes.

Answer - Option A

Explanation: Option B and B can be eliminated because of the word ‘distinguishing’. It is clear that the sentence must be in simple present tense because of the phrase ‘to see the stars.

Option C can be eliminated because of the word ‘he’. Since the noun is astronomers (plural), the pronoun must also be plural.

So, option A is the correct answer.


Q15) Select the correct option that fills the blank(s) to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

Everyone improves ____ standards but this is a complete overhaul of the erstwhile superb.

A. On

B. At

C. In

D. The

Answer - Option D

Explanation: On, at and in – prepositions are not related to the sentence given. definite article ‘the’ is the correct answer.


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