CH_08 ER (Entity-Relationship) Diagrams in DBMS

by Jasleen Chhabra | Updated on 29 September 2024
  • Understanding ER (Entity-Relationship) Diagrams in DBMS
  • Components of an ER Diagram

Understanding ER (Entity-Relationship) Diagrams in DBMS

The Entity-Relationship (ER) model is a high-level data model used to represent the data elements and their relationships within a specific system. It provides a conceptual framework for database design, allowing for a straightforward and clear representation of data. In ER modeling, the structure of a database is depicted as a diagram known as an entity-relationship diagram.

Example of an ER Model

To illustrate how an ER model works, let’s consider the design of a school database. In this scenario, a student is considered an entity, with attributes such as name, ID, age, and address. The address itself can also be an entity, comprising attributes like city, street name, and postal code. There will be relationships between these entities, depicting how they interact within the database.

Components of an ER Diagram

An ER diagram consists of several key components:

1. Entity

An entity represents any object, person, class, or place. In ER diagrams, entities are typically shown as rectangles. For instance, in an organization, examples of entities could include manager, employee, department, and product.

a. Weak Entity

A weak entity is one that relies on another entity for its identification. Unlike regular entities, weak entities do not have their own key attributes and are represented by a double rectangle in the diagram.

2. Attribute

Attributes describe the properties of an entity and are represented by ovals in the ER diagram. For example, attributes of a student might include their ID, age, contact number, and name.

a. Key Attribute

The key attribute signifies the main characteristic of an entity and serves as the primary key. In ER diagrams, key attributes are illustrated by underlining the text in an oval.

b. Composite Attribute

A composite attribute is one that is composed of multiple sub-attributes. This is represented by an oval connected to smaller ovals, which represent the individual components.

c. Multivalued Attribute

A multivalued attribute can have more than one value. These attributes are represented by a double oval. For instance, a student might have multiple phone numbers, making this attribute multivalued.

d. Derived Attribute

A derived attribute can be calculated or derived from another attribute. In ER diagrams, derived attributes are depicted by dashed ovals. For example, a person's age can be derived from their date of birth.

3. Relationship

Relationships illustrate how entities are connected to each other and are represented by diamonds or rhombuses in ER diagrams.

Types of Relationships

  1. One-to-One Relationship: This occurs when a single instance of one entity is associated with a single instance of another entity. For example, a female can marry only one male, and vice versa.

  2. One-to-Many Relationship: In this scenario, one instance of an entity is related to multiple instances of another entity. For example, a scientist can invent several inventions, but each invention is associated with only one specific scientist.

  3. Many-to-One Relationship: This relationship exists when multiple instances of an entity relate to a single instance of another entity. For instance, many students may enroll in one specific course, but each course can have multiple students.

  4. Many-to-Many Relationship: A many-to-many relationship occurs when multiple instances of one entity relate to multiple instances of another entity. For example, an employee can be assigned to many projects, and each project can have many employees working on it.


ER diagrams are crucial in designing databases as they provide a clear visual representation of entities, attributes, and their interconnections. Understanding the components and relationships in an ER diagram can significantly aid in effective database design, ensuring data integrity and ease of access. By employing the ER model, developers can create databases that accurately reflect the data requirements of a system.


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