Java GUI (Graphical User Interface) Programming

by Jasleen Chhabra | Updated on 24 August 2024

Table of Contents (Click any Topic to view first)

  1. Introduction to Swing and JavaFX
  2. Creating GUI Components
  3. Event Handling

Java GUI (Graphical User Interface) Programming

Java provides two main libraries for GUI programming: Swing and JavaFX. Both libraries allow developers to create interactive and visually appealing user interfaces for Java applications. Here's an overview of each:

1. Introduction to Swing and JavaFX


  • Swing is a GUI toolkit for Java that provides a set of lightweight components.
  • It is part of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC) and is built on top of the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT).
  • Swing components are highly customizable and platform-independent.
  • Swing has been around for a long time and has a vast array of components and layout managers.


  • JavaFX is a modern GUI toolkit for Java that provides a rich set of features for building interactive applications.
  • It provides a more modern approach to GUI development compared to Swing.
  • JavaFX offers a scene graph-based API for creating UI components, making it easier to create complex UIs.
  • It provides support for multimedia, animations, and 3D graphics.
  • JavaFX is the recommended GUI toolkit for Java applications going forward, especially for building rich client applications.

2. Creating GUI Components


  • Swing provides a wide range of components such as JFrame, JButton, JLabel, JTextField, JTextArea, etc.
  • Components are added to containers such as JFrame using layout managers like FlowLayout, BorderLayout, GridLayout, etc.
  • You can customize the appearance and behavior of Swing components using various properties and methods.


  • JavaFX provides a set of UI controls such as Button, Label, TextField, TextArea, ListView, etc.
  • Components are added to the scene graph using layout panes such as VBox, HBox, BorderPane, GridPane, etc.
  • JavaFX supports styling using CSS, allowing for easy customization of component appearance.
  • You can create custom UI controls by extending existing controls or creating custom nodes.

3. Event Handling


  • Event handling in Swing involves registering event listeners on components and implementing event handler methods.
  • Common event listener interfaces include ActionListener, MouseListener, KeyListener, etc.
  • Event handling code is typically written using anonymous inner classes or lambda expressions.


  • JavaFX uses an event-driven architecture for handling user interactions.
  • You can register event handlers on nodes using methods like setOnAction(), setOnMouseClicked(), setOnKeyPressed(), etc.
  • Event handlers are implemented as methods or lambda expressions that take an Event object as a parameter.
  • JavaFX provides a wide range of event classes for different types of interactions, such as ActionEvent, MouseEvent, KeyEvent, etc.


Java GUI programming allows developers to create intuitive and interactive user interfaces for their applications. Whether you choose Swing or JavaFX depends on your specific requirements and preferences. Both libraries offer powerful features for building modern GUI applications in Java.


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