Virtusa Interview Questions

Virtusa Interview Questions

by Amit Prabhu | Updated on 26 May 2023

by Amit Prabhu | Updated on 26 May 2023

Table of Content

  • About Virtusa
  • Characteristics of Virtusa
  • Virtusa Selection Process
  • How to answer Virtusa interview questions
  • Virtusa interview questions
  • Conclusion
  • FAQ

About Virtusa 

One of the renowned IT companies, Virtusa Corporation is a worldwide provider of information technology services. It offers services like digital business strategy, digital engineering, and information technology (IT) and solutions to a wide range of industries, including banking, financial services, insurance, healthcare, telecommunications, and media. The company was founded in 1996, and it now has offices and fulfilment centres all throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. Its corporate offices are in the American city of Southborough, Massachusetts. Virtusa is renowned for its cutting-edge and customer-focused method of offering technological solutions.

Characteristics Virtusa 

Virtusa is known for its extensive industry knowledge, technological innovation, and dedication to customer success. The company offers services and products that are intended to speed up clients' digital transformations and produce quantifiable commercial results. Integrity, respect, teamwork, innovation, and excellence are among Virtusa's fundamental principles, which drive the organisation in its dealings with customers, partners, and staff.

Virtusa Selection Process

Virtusa hiring process includes rounds like online written test (MCQ) like aptitude, verbal ability and communication, coding round 1 coding round 2 etc, the second round is technical interviews, third group discussion and last is HR interviews. The goal of the technical interviews is to assess the candidate's knowledge and proficiency in certain areas, such as programming languages, database technologies, and software development methodologies. The goal of the HR interview is to determine whether the candidate is compatible with the organization's culture and values.

  • Written test: The test is having multiple choice questions, related to verbal, numeric, reasoning ability questions, in advance section there is advance aptitude, advance coding questions. The time limit is 180 minutes. There are 40 MCQ questions and 2 coding questions.
  • Technical Interview: This is technical interview round, in this round the technical lead test the technical knowledge about web development. Ask the questions related Java, C, HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc development programming languages and database management like MySQL.
  • Group discussion round: There are a team of 10 members. Interview gives you one topic and we have talk about the topics at least 5 minutes. This round take because of checking communication skills ability. 
  • HR Interview: In this round your communication skills will be tested. HR asking most common questions like salary expectation, checking your strength, weakness, IQ questions, problem solving techniques etc.

How to answer Virtusa interview questions 

Candidates for a Virtusa interview should familiarise themselves with the position's responsibilities and requirements, learn about the business and its offerings, and practise responding to typical interview questions. It's crucial to be ready to give specific instances of how your abilities and prior positions have been put to use in solving difficulties in the real world. Candidates should be prepared to go into depth about their technical knowledge and expertise, as well as their capacity to collaborate with others.

  • Be completely gain knowledge about your projects because you could get many inquiries about them.
  • Master all of the fundamental Java principles. In Virtusa Interviews, only Java is used to examine candidates. All Java Concepts with Examples is where you can prepare for all Java concepts.
  • Prepare all of the database's fundamental questions.
  • The candidate ought to be familiar with the fundamental SDLC Model.

Virtusa Interview Questions

Virtusa Technical Interview Questions 

1. What are the different types of sorting algorithms?

Insertion sort and bubble sort are both sorting algorithms used in programming. Insertion sort works by comparing each element in an array to the elements before it, and inserting it into the correct position in the sorted subarray. Bubble sort works by repeatedly swapping adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order until the entire array is sorted.

2. Explain Object oriented programming?

Object oriented programming model that organizes software design around data, or objects, rather than functions and logic. An object can be defined as a data field that has unique attributes and behaviour. 

3. Difference between linked list and queue.

A linked list and a queue are both data structures. Each node in a linked list has a value and a reference to the following node in the sequence. A linked list is a linear data structure whose items are kept in discrete objects called nodes. A data type called a queue adheres to the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) rule. Enqueue (putting an element to the rear) and dequeue (removing an element from the front) are its two main operations, which represent a collection of items.

4. What is ‘classpath’ environment variable? 

In Java and certain other programming languages, the 'classpath' environment variable is used to define the location of classes and other resources needed by the programme.

5. Explain operator overloading and overriding.

Operator overloading is the capacity to modify an operator's behaviour for a certain type. It enables the usage of operators like +, -, *, /, etc. with operands of custom classes. Contrarily, the ability to redefine an inherited operator's functionality in a subclass is known as operator overriding. A class that derives from another class has the ability to override how some operators behave that were passed down from the superclass.

6. What are the major data types in MySQL?

The major data types are:

  • INTEGER: Used to store whole numbers, both positive and negative, within a specified range.
  • FLOAT and DOUBLE: Used to store floating-point numbers with decimal precision. 
  • DECIMAL: Used to store fixed-point decimal numbers with precise decimal precision. It is commonly used for financial and monetary calculations.
  • CHAR and VARCHAR: Used to store strings of characters. CHAR stores fixed-length strings, while VARCHAR stores variable-length strings, optimizing storage space.
  • DATE, TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP: Used to store date and time values. DATE stores dates in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD', TIME stores time values, DATETIME stores both date and time, and TIMESTAMP stores a timestamp representing a specific time.
  • BOOLEAN: Used to store boolean values, representing true or false.
  • BLOB and TEXT: Used to store binary large objects (BLOB) and text data (TEXT), such as images, documents, or large text blocks.

7. What are MySQL views?

In MySQL, a view is a virtual table derived from the result of a query. It does not store any data physically but provides an alternative way to represent the data stored in one or more tables. A view is created based on a SELECT statement and acts as a predefined query that can be referenced and used like a table.

8. What do you mean database?

A database is a structured collection of data that has been systematically maintained, accessible, and organised. It offers capabilities for data processing, querying, and assuring data integrity in addition to being intended to store and retrieve data efficiently.

9. What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is the distribution of computer resources on-demand across a network, including servers, storage, databases, software, and analytics.

10. Explain network topology.

The organisation or configuration of a computer network is referred to as network topology. It specifies how the components and nodes of a network are linked and how information moves among them. There are various levels of scalability, performance, fault tolerance, and cost-effectiveness offered by various network topologies.

11. What is meta element in HTML?

Meta element in HTML describes more information about web page.

12. What are some text formatting tags in HTML?

Below some tags that used to text formatting:

<h1> to <h6>: used to style heading.

<p>: write the paragraph.

<strong>: make a bold to text, it gives more importance to the text.

<em>: used to represent emphasis text.

13. List JavaScript data types.

  • Number: Used for numeric values, including integers and floating-point numbers.
  • String: Used for text values, enclosed in single or double quotes.
  • Boolean: Used for logical values, either true or false.
  • Null: Used to represent a deliberate non-value.
  • Undefined: Used to represent an uninitialized value.
  • Object: Used to represent a collection of properties and values.
  • Symbol: Used to represent a unique identifier.

14. Explain DOM.

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents the document as a tree-like structure of nodes, where each node corresponds to an element, attribute, or text in the document.

Using the DOM, developers can manipulate the content and structure of an HTML document dynamically. They can add or remove elements, modify attributes and text, and respond to user events.

15. How you can optimize code in CSS?

Use pre-processers like SASS, SCSS, because they allow you to use reuse code. Divide the code in different components. Avoid code redundancy.

16. Explain closure functions in JavaScript.

In JavaScript, a closure is a combination of a function and its lexical environment (the scope) within which the function was declared. It allows a function to access variables from its outer scope even after the outer function has finished executing.

17. What is the difference between == and === ?

The == operator performs type coercion, which means it converts the operands to a common type before comparison and on the other hand, the === operator performs strict equality comparison. It compares the values of the operands without performing type coercion. It checks for both value and type equality.

18. Difference between element and tag?

Tag refer as only opening tag ang closing tag and when we write some content in between opening tag and closing tag, this called is element.

19. What is box model in CSS?

Box model consist of following components:

  • Content area: actual element size.
  • Margin: space between actual body and border.
  • Padding: space between content and border.
  • Border: Its a line surrounded by the content. 

20. How to optimize database query?

A database query may be made more efficient by employing methods like indexing, join optimisation, minimising the amount of subqueries, and avoiding the usage of wildcard characters in search queries. These methods can speed up query execution and enhance query performance.

21. What is semantic HTML?

Semantic HTML tags are that characterize the significance of the substance they contain. For instance, labels like <header>, <article>, and <footer> are semantic HTML labels. They plainly show the job of the substance they contain. Then again, labels like<div> and <span> are commonplace instances of non-semantic HTML components.

22. What is the advantage of collapsing white space?

White spaces are a blank sequence of space characters, which is treated as a single space character in HTML. Because the browser collapses multiple spaces into a single space, you can indent lines of text without worrying about multiple spaces.

23. Explain the key difference between local storage and session storage objects.

Local storage: It is a web storage method that store the data with no expiry date.

Session storage: It is a web storage method that store the data with expiry date. It means that when browser tab is closed the data will expire.

Virtusa HR Interview Questions

1. Tell me about your project?

Tell the brief description about your project. First state the domain and title. Then explain the different models of project that is front end, back end, database, etc.

2. How much salary do you expect from us?

Research about salary for that position you have applied. And tell them why you are the perfect for salary expectation.

 3. Tell me something about our company?

Research about company history, company employment, reputation, projects, what type of services provide by the company.

 4. How do feel about working according to company time zone?

If your comfortable with the time zone, then say yes.

5. Do you have any questions for me?

If you have any questions like salary range, appointment date (if your selected), time zone etc. 


Virtusa is a top provider of information technology services on a global basis, offering cutting-edge, customer-focused solutions to a range of sectors. There are usually numerous steps to the company's selection process, including technical interviews and HR interviews. Candidates should evaluate the job description and criteria, learn about the business and its offerings, and practise responding to typical interview questions in order to be well-prepared for a Virtusa interview.

Ask Us Anything !

Services like including banking, financial services, insurance, healthcare, telecommunications, and media etc provided by Virtusa.

There are four rounds aptitude test, technical interview, group discussion and HR interview.

They want applicants who are devoted to producing high-quality work and who are passionate about innovation.


The basics languages Oracle looks for candidates with proficiency in like Java, Python, and SQL, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT.