Zoho Quantitative Aptitude Questions (PYQ's)

by Jasleen Chhabra | Updated on 23 July 2024

1. In a class, 24 boys are there and one-seventh of the total are girls. How many students are there in total?

  • a) 28

  • b) 30

  • c) 32

  • d) none of these

Answer: c) 32

2. A mixture has milk and water in the ratio 5:1. 20 liters of water is added and the ratio now becomes 5:6. How much milk was present in the original mixture?

  • a) 15 liters

  • b) 25 liters

  • c) 20 liters

  • d) 30 liters

Answer: d) 30 liters

3. How many small cuboids of dimension 2m x 3m x 4m can be accommodated in a cube of side 22m?

  • a) 160

  • b) 385

  • c) 420

  • d) 464

Answer: b) 385

4. What is the ratio of areas of circumcircle and in-circle of an equilateral triangle?

  • a) 1:2

  • b) 2:1

  • c) 3:1

  • d) 4:1

Answer: c) 3:1

5. Two doctors, three lawyers, and one teacher went for a picnic? How many persons would have gone for a picnic at minimum if a person cannot be both teacher and lawyer?

  • a) 6

  • b) 5

  • c) 3

  • d) 4

Answer: b) 5

6. “asd fgr ghy” stands for “let it be”. “uio fgr wet” stands for “let us go”. “wet mkl asd” stands for “go with it”. What is the code for “be”?

  • a) asd

  • b) ghy

  • c) fgr

  • d) none of these

Answer: b) ghy

7. The weightage given to various subjects while calculating total marks of a student is inversely proportional to maximum marks of the subject. If math has weightage 0.5 and maximum marks 100, and weightage for science is 0.875, what are the maximum marks for science?

  • a) 36

  • b) 73

  • c) 57

  • d) 100

Answer: a) 36

8. The population of mice in a market doubles every day. Every day 20 mice are killed. How many mice are there if after every three days, the number of mice becomes the same again?

  • a) 36

  • b) 12

  • c) 60

  • d) 20

Answer: b) 12

9. If printing a page requires 2mg of ink, how many rims of 500 pages can be printed with 1 kg of ink?

  • a) 200

  • b) 500

  • c) 1000

  • d) 2000

Answer: c) 1000

10. In a class, 1/3 of the students are girls, and the rest are boys. If there are 20 more boys than girls, how many students are there in total?

  • a) 60

  • b) 80

  • c) 100

  • d) 120

Answer: c) 100

11. A solution has alcohol and water in the ratio 4:1. If 20 liters of water is added, the new ratio becomes 2:3. How much alcohol was present in the original solution?

  • a) 30 liters

  • b) 40 liters

  • c) 50 liters

  • d) 60 liters

Answer: b) 40 liters

12. How many small cubes with side length 3m can be accommodated in a large cube with side length 18m?

  • a) 64

  • b) 216

  • c) 512

  • d) 729

Answer: d) 729

13. What is the ratio of the volumes of a cylinder and a cone that have the same base radius and height?

  • a) 1:1

  • b) 2:1

  • c) 3:1

  • d) 4:1

Answer: c) 3:1

14. Five engineers and four doctors attended a conference. How many distinct groups can be formed if each group must have at least one engineer and one doctor?

  • a) 495

  • b) 615

  • c) 715

  • d) 825

Answer: c) 715

15. “jkl mno pqr” stands for “have a nice day”. “stu mno vwx” stands for “have a great time”. “vwx pqr abc” stands for “great day ahead”. What is the code for “nice”?

  • a) jkl

  • b) mno

  • c) pqr

  • d) abc

Answer: a) jkl

16. The weightage given to various subjects while calculating total marks of a student is inversely proportional to the square root of the maximum marks of the subject. If math has weightage 0.25 and maximum marks 100, and weightage for science is 0.75, what are the maximum marks for science?

  • a) 25

  • b) 50

  • c) 100

  • d) 225

Answer: d) 225

17. The population of bacteria triples every hour. Every hour, 50 bacteria die. If there are initially 100 bacteria, how many bacteria will there be after 3 hours if the number stabilizes every 3 hours?

  • a) 700

  • b) 900

  • c) 1050

  • d) 1200

Answer: c) 1050

18. If printing a book requires 5mg of ink per page and a book has 300 pages, how many books can be printed with 3kg of ink?

  • a) 100

  • b) 200

  • c) 300

  • d) 400

Answer: b) 200

19. In a school, the ratio of the number of teachers to students is 1:15. If there are 20 more students than teachers, how many teachers are there in the school?

  • a) 10

  • b) 15

  • c) 20

  • d) 25

Answer: c) 20



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