Infosys Verbal Ability Questions
Q1) Choose a grammatically and logically correct alternative to replace the words or phrase that are underlined and are in bold.
The president called out to his people to see if they make sacrifices for the good of their country.
A. Called on his people to see if they make sacrifices for the good
B. Called upon his people to see and make sacrifices for the good
C. Called upon his people to make sacrifices for the good
D. Called for his people to make sacrifices for the good
Answer : Option A
Explanation: The phrasal verbs play a key role here,
Called out – summon someone to deal with an emergency or to criticize
Called on– request
Called upon– ask or demand
Called for– demand
Called on can be the right phrasal verb to be used, since it gives the meaning of request and the presidents is checking to see IF PEOPLE MAKE SACRIFICE. So, it is not a demand or summon.
Q2) Identify the right term of expression in the following sentences.
A. Aviation insiders say that airlines that still make the pilots pay to their training will increasingly find it difficult to fill their vacancies.
B. Aviation insiders say that airlines that still make the pilots pay for their training will increasingly find it difficult to fill their vacancies.
C. Aviation insiders are saying that airlines who still make the pilots pay with their training will increasingly find it difficult in filling up their vacancies.
D. Aviation insiders claim that airlines that still are making the pilots paying to their training will largely find it difficult to fill their vacancies.
Answer : Option B
Explanation: Pilots are paying for training.
Pay to someone will be the right usage.
Pay with something will be the right usage.
So, pay for is the right phrasal verb.
Q3) Fill in the blank with a grammatically and logically correct alternative.
Jean ran into her old classmate _______ car in club.
A. while she parks
B. as she was parking her
C. when she parking
D. as soon as she parks
Answer : Option B
Explanation: Ran into means meet unexpectedly
Jean met her old classmate while she was parking her car in club.
Q4) Choose a grammatically and logically correct alternative to replace the words or phrase that are underlined and are in bold.
Many might argue that women have a keen eye on detail, and are far more systematic with their investment plans.
A. Keen eye in
B. Keen eye for
C. Keen eye at
D. Keen eye to
Answer : Option B
Explanation: Keen eye on detail, simply means keen eye for some information on something or on someone.
Q5) Select the SYNONYM of the given word from the following options.
A. Growth
B. Promise
C. Reduce
D. Deflate
Answer : Option A
Explanation: Proliferation means to grow rapidly.
So, growth is the best fit here.
Q6) Select the word segment that substitutes (replaces) the bracketed word segment correctly and completes the sentence meaningfully. Select the option ‘no’ correction ‘required’ if the sentence is correct as given. (The transit of the Planet of Love happen in pairs), eight years apart every century.
A. The transits of the Planet of Love happens at pairs
B. The transit of the Planet of Love happen in pairs
C. The tranists of the Planet of Love happen in pairs
D. No correction required
Answer : Option A
Explanation: Planet of love = Venus.
Venus, the subject is singular, hence, the verb also must be a singular, which is happens.
So, option A is the right sentence, since it is following the subject verb agreement.
Q7) In the question one statement is given, followed by two inferences, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given interferences, if any, follows from the given statement.
Statement :
No one could deny Wheatley’s remarkable achievement in being the first African American of either gender to publish a book in colonial America, a time and place where slaves’ very humanity was questioned.
Inference :
I. Wheatly was the First African American lady to be educated.
II. Wheatly was an African American slave.
A. Only I follows.
B. Only II follows.
C. Either I or II follows.
D. Neither I nor II follow.
Answer : Option D
Explanation: If Wheatly published a book, that does not mean – She is educated. So, inference I is need not to follow.
There is no information that says or gives us that Wheatly was a slave and that made her to write the book. So, inference II also does not need to follow.
Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives
Although there is a great deal of variation within each gender, on the average, men and women discuss a surprisingly different range of topics. According to some studies, women and men ranging in age from seventeen to eighty described the range of topics each discussed with friends of the same sex. Certain topics were common to both men and women; work, movies, and television proved to be frequent topics for both groups. The differences between men and women were more striking than the similarities. Female friends spent much more time discussing personal and domestic subjects, relationship problems, family, health and reproductive matters, weight, food and clothing. Men, on the other hand, were more likely to discuss music, current events, sports and business. Women were more likely to gossip about close friends and family. By contrast, men spent more time gossiping about sports figures and media personalities. These differences can lead to frustration when men and women try to converse with one another.
Q8) According to the passage, which of the following option is incorrect? Choose one option.
A. Topics like work, movies and television are both common topics between men and women.
B. Women like to gossip while men do not.
C. Men are more inclined towards topics, like current affairs, sports and business.
D. Men and women discuss a surprisingly different range of topics.
Answer : Option B
Explanation: Women were more likely to gossip about close friends and family. By contrast, men spent more time gossiping about sports figures and media personalities
In this point, the author did not mention. That men do not gossip. Men do gossip, but about other things. But given option B is men do not gossip at all. Which is incorrect.
Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives
Although there is a great deal of variation within each gender, on the average, men and women discuss a surprisingly different range of topics. According to some studies, women and men ranging in age from seventeen to eighty described the range of topics each discussed with friends of the same sex. Certain topics were common to both men and women; work, movies, and television proved to be frequent topics for both groups. The differences between men and women were more striking than the similarities. Female friends spent much more time discussing personal and domestic subjects, relationship problems, family, health and reproductive matters, weight, food and clothing. Men, on the other hand, were more likely to discuss music, current events, sports and business. Women were more likely to gossip about close friends and family. By contrast, men spent more time gossiping about sports figures and media personalities. These differences can lead to frustration when men and women try to converse with one another.
Q9) According to the passage, after what age does the range of topics, that each gender finds interesting, starts to differ?
A. 17
B. 22
C. 43
D. 50
Answer : Option A
Explanation: The 3rd line in the passage says, from the age of 17 years, the range of topics that each gender finds interesting, start to differ.
Q10) The sentence below has been divided into three parts. Select the part of the sentence that has an error. If the sentence has no error, select the option ‘No Error’.
Hong Kong has been endowed with one of the finest natural harbour in the world.
A. No Error
B. harbour in the world.
C. with one of the finest natural
D. Hong Kong has been endowed
Answer : Option B
Explanation: It should be, One of the finest harbours. “One of” must always have a plural word, which gives a meaning of “one of many”. Hence the sentence that has error is option B.
Q11) Select the word segment that substitutes (replaces) the bracketed word segment correctly and completes the sentence meaningfully. Select the option ‘no’ correction ‘required’ if the sentence is correct as given. (This bridge neither crossed the Thames, and neither gave) access to a now lost island in the river.
A. This bridge either crossed the Thames, and nor gave
B. This bridge neither crossed the Thames, and nor gives
C. No correction required
D. This bridge either crossed the Thames, or gave
Answer : Option D
Explanation: Neither nor – describes none of the two.
Either or – describes any one of the two.
Since the bridge gives a cross way or gives connection, the sentence should be - This bridge either crossed the Thames, or gave access to a now lost island in the river.
Q12) Fill in the blank with the most appropriate choice Those unfamiliar with the saga are bound to be mystified by the more _____ plot twists.
A. arcane
B. aesthetic
C. arbitrary
D. anoint
Answer : Option A
Explanation: Arcane – mysterious
Arbitrary-random choice
Anoint-to put oil or water on somebody’s head as part of a religious ceremony
Since the word is describing about the word plot twists, mysterious fits the best.
Q13) Fill in the blank with the most appropriate choice.
Foetal _______ screening uses ultrasound scanning to find certain abnormalities in the baby.
A. enfevering
B. anomaly
C. abeyance
D. snuggle
Answer : Option B
Explanation: Enfevering- to cause fever
Anomaly- irregularity
Abeyance- suspension
Snuggle- to move close to someone.
Since the scanning is to find the abnormalities, Foetal irregularity screening uses ultrasound scanning is the right sentence. So, answer is option B.
Q14) Select the word segment that substitutes (replaces) the bracketed word segment correctly and completes the sentence meaningfully. Select the option ‘no correction required’ if the sentence is correct as given.
Jane was asked by her (aunt, “Where were you last night”.)
A. aunt that, “Where were you last night?”
B. No correction required
C. aunt, “Where had you been you last night.”
D. aunt, “Where were you last night?”
Answer : Option D
Explanation: Since Jane was questioned by her aunt, there should be a question mark and the end of the sentence.
Q15) In the question one statement is given, followed by two course of actions, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given course of actions, if any, follows from the given statement.
Statement :
Students at times are not able to pass home exams marginally.
Course of action :
I. Borderline cases should be allowed to take a re-test.
II. Minimum Passing marks for home exams should be revised and brought down to a lower level.
A. Neither I nor II follow.
B. Either I or II follows.
C. Only II follows.
D. Only I follows.
Answer : Option D
Explanation: The statement mentions that students during the home exams at times are not able to manage passing marks. The course of action I suggests such cases should be identified and retests should be conducted for them. Exams are not punishment, neither do they evaluate the worth of a student they just assess progress.
So, if a student lags behind marginally he may be given another chance. Therefore, the course of action I follow.
The course of action II suggests that minimum passing marks should be brought down after revision so that each student manages to pass comfortably. This devalues the process and defeats the purpose of conducting the examination. Therefore, the course of action II does not follow.
Hence, Only I follows.
Q16) Select the word segment that substitutes (replaces) the bracketed word segment correctly and completes the sentence meaningfully. Select the option ‘no’ correction ‘required’ if the sentence is correct as given.
The government appears (to be at war with it’s own people.)
A. No correction required.
B. to be at war against it’s own people.
C. to be at war with its own people.
D. to be on war with it’s own people.
Answer : Option C
Explanation: It’s represents it is, which is incorrect.
So, the right sentence is, the government appears to be at war with its own people. Here, its represent the possessive word that relates to the government.
Q17) The sentence below has been divided into three parts. Select the part of the sentence that has an error. If the sentence has no error, select the option ‘No Error’.
An independent enquiry headed by Anthony White QC in 2011 further examined the claims but also exonerated Coucher.
A. An independent enquiry headed by
B. No Error
C. Anthony White QC in 2011 further examined
D. the claims but also exonerated Coucher.
Answer : Option C
Explanation: There is a punctuation error in the sentence. There should be a comma after the word claims
The sentence should be - An independent enquiry headed by Anthony White QC in 2011 further examined the claims, but also exonerated Coucher.
Q18) Fill in the blank with the most appropriate choice.
Obesity is also a progressive condition, unlike anorexia nervosa, which tends to ______with age.
A. inebriate
B. ameliorate
C. negate
D. struggle
Answer : Option B
Explanation: inebriate – to make someone drink
ameliorate – to improve
negate – to deny
struggle – to fight
Difference between anorexia and obesity.
Anorexia is an eating disorder where people intentionally starve themselves, sometimes to death, and seem to have a distorted view of themselves and a fear of gaining weight. Obesity, on the other hand, is when a person is incredibly overweight.
Obesity is better when compared to anorexia nervosa. So, obesity tends to improve with age.
Q19) Fill in the blank with the most appropriate choice.
I often feel I am an _______, that I would be more at home at the turn of the century than today.
A. avarice
B. apathy
C. anachronism
D. analogous
Answer : Option C
Explanation: Avarice - extreme desire for money
apathy- lack motivation to do anything or just don't care about what's going on around you
anachronism – someone or something that does not belong in the period of history in which it appears
analogous - similar in some way
Only option C fits the best. This is very clear by looking at the end of the sentence, where the person mentioned – he/she could be more at home at the turn of the century than today. Which clearly says that not belonging to that period.
Q20) The sentence below has been divided into three parts. Select the part of the sentence that has an error. If the sentence has no error, select the option ‘No Error’. This vacuum not only holds products in place, it also compacts the package size, reducing the amount of space they take up in cartons.
A. the amount of space they take up in cartons.
B. also compacts the package size, reducing
C. This vacuum not only holds products in place, it.
D. No Error
Answer : Option C
Explanation: The sentence should be – The vacuum not only holds products in place, it also ….
So, the answer is Option C.
Q21) In this question, a statement has been given, followed by two assumption numbered I and II. Analyse the two assumptions together and determine which of them follows.
The use of breath analysis to check if the drivers are drunk has been stopped by the traffic police to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus to the traffic police.
I. Corona virus can be passed on to traffic police only by drunken people.
II. The traffic police do not want to be infected with the Coronavirus.
A. Either assumption I or assumption II is implicit.
B. Only assumption II is implicit.
C. Neither assumption I nor assumption II is simplict.
D. Only assumption I is implicit.
Answer : Option B
Explanation: It is clearly mentioned in the last part of the sentence that – The traffic police want to prevent the spread of virus.
This does not mean, drunken people can cause the spread of virus until and unless every drunken person must have spread the virus, which is never mentioned. So, Assumption II is implicit.
Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives
Although there is a great deal of variation within each gender, on the average, men and women discuss a surprisingly different range of topics. According to some studies, women and men ranging in age from seventeen to eighty described the range of topics each discussed with friends of the same sex. Certain topics were common to both men and women; work, movies, and television proved to be frequent topics for both groups. The differences between men and women were more striking than the similarities. Female friends spent much more time discussing personal and domestic subjects, relationship problems, family, health and reproductive matters, weight, food and clothing. Men, on the other hand, were more likely to discuss music, current events, sports and business. Women were more likely to gossip about close friends and family. By contrast, men spent more time gossiping about sports figures and media personalities. These differences can lead to frustration when men and women try to converse with one another.
Q22) According to the passage which of the following is not a topic discussed by females often?
A. Matters related to health and family
B. Personal and domestic subjects
C. Topics which include food, clothing and weight.
D. Current affairs
Answer : Option D
Explanation: Options A, B and C are the topics that are clearly mentioned in the passage as the topics which are discussed by females often.
But option D is never mentioned in the passage as a topic that is often discussed by females.
So, answer is option D.
Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives
Although there is a great deal of variation within each gender, on the average, men and women discuss a surprisingly different range of topics. According to some studies, women and men ranging in age from seventeen to eighty described the range of topics each discussed with friends of the same sex. Certain topics were common to both men and women; work, movies, and television proved to be frequent topics for both groups. The differences between men and women were more striking than the similarities. Female friends spent much more time discussing personal and domestic subjects, relationship problems, family, health and reproductive matters, weight, food and clothing. Men, on the other hand, were more likely to discuss music, current events, sports and business. Women were more likely to gossip about close friends and family. By contrast, men spent more time gossiping about sports figures and media personalities. These differences can lead to frustration when men and women try to converse with one another.
Q23) According to passage, why do men and women find it frustrating to converse?
A. Because men and women inherently have nothing in common.
B. Because women like to gossip while men like to discuss.
C. Because both the genders are polar opposites of each other.
D. Because of dissimilar tastes in topics they like to have a conversation in.
Answer : Option D
Explanation: It is very clear from the passage that the differences in taste of topics makes them feel frustrated.
Eg1. The differences between men and women were more striking than the similarities.
Eg2. These differences can lead to frustration when men and women try to converse with one another.
In the above two examples – differences about the taste of topics are mentioned in the passage
Q24) The sentence below has been divided into three parts. Select the part of the sentence that has an error. If the sentence has no error, select the option ‘No Error’.
A cascade of events must occur for a neurotransmitter stimuli to lead to cellular response.
A. No Error
B. lead to cellular response.
C. for a neurotransmitter stimuli to
D. A cascade of events must occur
Answer : Option C
Explanation: Since neurotransmitter is a singular, the verb to be used is singular that is stimulus. So, answer is option C
Read the passage carefully and choose the best option that fits the blank from the given options.
Although there is a great deal of variation within each gender, on the average, men and women discuss a surprisingly different range of topics. According to some studies, women and men ranging in age from seventeen to eighty described the range of topics each discussed with friends of the same sex. Certain topics were common to both men and women; work, movies, and television proved to be frequent topics for both groups. The differences between men and women were more striking than the similarities. Female friends spent much more time discussing personal and domestic subjects, relationship problems, family, health and reproductive matters, weight, food and clothing. Men, on the other hand, were more likely to discuss music, current events, sports and business. Women were more likely to gossip about close friends and family. By contrast, men spent more time gossiping about sports figures and media personalities. These differences can lead to frustration when men and women try to converse with one another.
Q25) It was almost impossible for him to put out of his mind the _________ words which he heard from his clever father-in-law.
A. inspiring
B. witty
C. sarcastic
D. soothing
E. exhortative
Answer : Option B
Explanation: Witty – clever and amusing.
Sarcastic – insulting others, or just to be funny
Soothing – to make someone calm
Exhortative - persuade someone to do something
The blank should be an adjective which describes a noun. The only adjective is Witty, which is option B.
Also, since he heard the words from his father-in-law and the character of his father-in-law is also mentioned as clever.
So, the word that fits the blank is clever which is option B.